Hallow's end quest giver & vendor bug

Ok today after collecting treats all day I went to stormwind so I could turn in treats, but the quest givers and event vendors are missing. Other players said horde killed them but they never respawned (players were waiting 30mins to an hour) still no respawn. Also not sure if this is a part of the bug and if I should make a new topic for it? But while waiting, I got the Fight for the Alliance Achievement.

Edit: OK So i tried /reload ui,switching toons and rebooting my computer and they still were not there, but good news tried war mode as a suggestion that it was a fix and it worked only in war mode do the npcs show up.


Same. I flew to the undercity to do the wickerman quest and spoke to zidormi to have the timeline changed so i could complete it. I flew back to stormwind, straight away, not bothering to talk to zidormi again to change the timeline back because i didnt think i needed to. When I got back to stormwind the entire hallows end quest hub was missing outside the gate. I went back and talked to zidormi to set the timeline back to present day, and the hallows end quest hub is still missing. Help! D:

I was having the same problem here with Silithus. The seasonal decorations and candy bowl weren’t there, and I couldn’t complete the Achievement. After logging in this morning, it seemed to have fixed itself.

The “Hallow’s End Treats for Jesper” quest abandons when taking tram from Stormwind to Ironforge.


Not fixed and I tried war mode, but no go. Bet ya China told blizz to get rid of it…

New data… inside SW (or in Boralus) one CAN pick up and do the dungeon… also the decorations ARE all there AND the orange clouds of stink. It’s only when you go OUTSIDE SW that all the quest givers disappear.


It worked for me ,but it wasn’t a full fix. Hope they hot-fix this soon.

Fix this bug, your players actually look forward to these events. No npcs at SW gate or Goldshire. Buckets turn on and off in some areas.

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Some server instances are not spawning the Hallows End event. I was just on Dalaran server and I could not queue for Headless Horseman. No decorations or quest givers were around. I had a friend invite me to their server and everything spawned and I was able to queue as well as due Hallows End event specific quests. Dropped group and buckets and everything Hallows End related vanished. Experiencing the same issue with the sister witches outside Bradensbrook near the crooked tree.

Yep. You have to enable WM for the event to phase in for Dalaran. No idea why.

Same problem here. Vendors are gone and quest givers wont show up. For me enabling warmode worked, it didn’t for a guildie of mine.

Plus, we shouldn’t have to flag warmode to be able to do a world event.

Not to mention crickets from blizz or the supposed “community managers.”

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Hollow’s End has been broken for 3 days now, I highly doubt Blizzard even cares or is even working on it with Blizzcon coming up

Will we get an extended Hollow’s End this year? my guess is no

The only way Hollow’s End is working is if you go into War Mode, which I’m not willing to do on my realm at anytime! I didn’t sign up for PvP

None of the Hollow’s End decorations, venders, quest givers are showing up on Hellscream outside of SW and the Headless horseman showing up in group finder. Inside SW it is all normal.