Hallow's End needs another glow up

I’ve always been a huge fan of Halloween and Autumn, and its already getting to that time of year soon.
We need more updates and cosmetics added to Hallow’s End. Even after last years update, it’s still just lackluster.

Still in dire need of an actual Witch/Warlock pointed brimmed hat.
We have some that are close but still not quite right like:

  • Nathria cloth tier helm, has all the extra facemask/technology stuff on it

  • Witch Hats from legion just don’t sit right on the head and look very odd

  • The old vanilla pointed hats are just too old to look good with modern gear

We need a hat similar to the hat used on the Stormwind statues
A hat with some hallow’s end flavor like:

  • Webs with a spider crawling on them

  • A couple Autumn leaves as a decoration

  • Small pumpkin sitting on the brim of that hat

  • Tattered, with small tears/stitching or patches

  • Maybe the hat could have a jack’o lantern like face and be “alive”

Most importantly, Can we please fix these kinds of hats just removing hair? There has got to be a way to fix that like making hair above where the hat connects to the head just bald, but everything below still exist?

Also we need some kind of tattered Witch like tunic/short robe to match with the hat.

Could we get some new color variants of Eve’s Ghastly Rider mount as well?
Orange fire, Purple/shadowy magic?

On the other side of the event, I feel like we need a new small quirky questline every year, similar to how OSRS does their halloween event every year.

More world decorations, toys, etc.


They should hold a halloween event in Gilneas someday! Have a throwback quest where we can knock on the doors and people will answer to give you something or they trick you somehow lol

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That’s exactly what I mean, just a cool, funny quest every year that gives some new cosmetic rewards.

Heck maybe one year we go to Drustvar (best zone in the entire game imo) and we do a cool quest there as well.


We could use waycrest manor :thinking:. Make a haunted house quest where your character is hidden and when popular npcs walk past we select a button to surprise them depending on what they say as they come into the room.

Like those quests that have you follow commands.

Be funny to take a frost bolt to the face if we scare Jaina or something

I dunno I’m just making stuff up :joy::joy: I like Halloween in wow. Maybe get that horseman mount this year.

Just typing that out made me feel like I’ve already ruined my chances somehow! :scream:

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Lmao honestly a cool idea

You’ll get the mount for sure this year :grin:

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Add a spooky multi passenger carriage mount like the ones from Rev.



Another fantastic suggestion.

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Hallow’s End always the best wow holiday next to Great Xmas. Would love headless horseman come to new zones.


hoping this hallows end i get the puppy battle pet

I didn’t play the last hallows end so i missed some stuff as well