Hallows End disaponts again

Why can’t we buy a broom with tricky treats? This event is old and not many do it. If the broom was available many more folks would be out and about. Not even asking for instant cast.

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B…but, the instant cast is what makes it great…?


What tokens?

You can buy it with Tricky Treats.


Then I must be imagining all these people running around on the same quests, killing me in the Ruins, clicking on pumpkins in Inns, ect.

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A mount isn’t the answer to problems

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Ummmmm yeah,hardly anyone doing the event, yeah okay that explains all the people I saw sitting in UC courtyard this morning waiting for it to start and still seeing alot of people doing the event.

and if going to ask for broom to be bought then they can also make the HH mount tradeable at this point as well.

Sadly last year I destroyed two headless horsemen mounts. Made me cringe.

Saw it up on a lunch time check. Loaded up a lowby alt with quests to hit later.

Some xp vary up the leveling. I like holiday levelings anyway to spice it up.

Used to be better xp but you know…squish made everything “better”.

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The one you can buy from the vendor is only good until the end of the current holiday, at which point, it disappears from your bags. OP is talking about a permanent, learned mount, such as the others that hang out on your mount tab.

Well then, they should have been more specific.

And just posted in this thread which already had an on-going discussion on the same subject: