Dark Therapy is a progression raiding guild. We welcome both Horde and Alliance players. We will consider the right player for any role, but are specifically looking for DPS to flush our our heroic/mythic team. Applicants are welcome to join us for a few mythic plus keys, or sit in our Discord to get a feel for the culture, before making the decision to join.
Members contribute either gold or mats, and in return, we supply phials, feasts, runes, repairs during progression - basically everything we can reasonably cover to keep you raiding. We have a guild bank tab members use to deposit/withdraw crafting materials and have most crafting professions covered.
Many members have families or non-game commitments, and we feel our raid times give us a good game/life balance. We also hold contests during our raid season, run mythic plus keys, and plan achievement runs.
Reach out to Riann#1982 on Bnet or .riann on Discord if interested.
Raid times:
TU/TH 8:30-11:00 PM PST
Guild Finder:
[H][Lightbringer]: Dark Therapy