Half the Playerbase is gone?

The current wow situation is like this.

You send your buddy with a car to the store with 15 bucks to get some beer for your Superbowl party and he comes back with Mikes Hard Lemonade.

You tell him… “dude… we wanted beer. What the hell? Nobody wanted that.”
He tells you “Try it, You’ll like it. It’s so much better than what you wanted.”

You try it and you immediately hate it. So you tell him to get some beer before the game starts. You give him another 15 bucks and he drives down to the market a second time.

He comes back with STRAWBERRY mikes hard lemonade and says “See, it’s different now! It’s now way better than what you wanted.” And… of course it’s terrible. So the games already started and your kind of stuck with it now. You try the new one and also immediately hate it. Now your friends at the party hear that your friend Fred Finch in apartment 14 down the hall has beer so they start leaving to watch the game there.

As they leave you yell “No, don’t go down to 14, I promise things will be better soon” and some of them stay, but about 41% of your friends either abandon you for the great party at 14 or just leave to do other things.

At half time you explain to your buddy that he HAS to get it right this time. If you don’t have beer the whole party will fall apart. You tell him it doesn’t matter what kind… just regular normal beer. So he takes another 15 dollars and makes another run. Everyone at your party is waiting on the beer. Texts and videos are on snapchat and facebook of the great party down the hall in 14. A few more leave but some of them feel they just have too much time invested in your party and decide to stick it out.

Your buddy gets back and puts a brown paper bag on the table. Everyone runs up expecting a budweiser or busch… at this point nobody even cares, even some PBR would work…

…And he pulls out a pack of Mikes Hard Black Cherry Lemonade.