Half orc half draenei

I was questing in wod and ran into a light brown orc npc. As I read his quest he said he was half draenei I know that there are half human elves and half ogre orcs but what other half’s are there.

I imagine that a half gnome half vulpera would either be extremely adorable or the most hideous abomination to live.


Lantresor of the Blade

Leader of the Boulderfist clan in outlands. I remember him in WOD :grinning:

There is a lot of Half-Orcs in the game, Rexxar is a Half Orc and Garona is as well, plus many more.

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This might help!

Me’dan, the best character ever written in the WoW universe, is half human, quarter Orc, quarter Draenei. I think

Some notable characters:
-Rexxar is from the Mok’nathal clan (a clan that is hybrid orc and orge), and himself is half orge and half orc!
-Med’an is half human, 1/4 draenei, and 1/4 orc (his parents are Garona (draenei/orc) and Medivh (human)).

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Arator the redeemer is chilling in honor hold

Lol that’s the worst character ever.

Garooooona Halforcen
Half orc half draenei
Although in movie she appears as half orc half human

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If you punted it would it go yifffffffffffffffffff

Tbh I am real surprised there isn’t some half troll half orcs running around…

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I think you mean best and he’s out in the WoW cosmos, canon btw, waiting to save the universe.

pretty sure he isn’t canon anymore

He’s no long the guardian of tirisfal but the last we heard from a story dev he’s just somewhere in the cosmos training

I’m pretty sure Millhouse Manastorm is 50% insane, does that count? Other than that most of them tend to be half Elves like Ronan and Vereesa and Alleria’s kids or half Orc /Draenei usually (Lantresor and Rexxar mentioned above as well as others). Given these race’s habits of getting involved in war or other near mass extinction events it’s no surprise their halflings usually end up dead.

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Isn’t Garona Maraad’s niece? If so that means it was his poor sister who went through all of that :frowning:

I had a half bologna sandwich for lunch.

Face of a vulpera. Ears of a gnome. One foot and one paw. Hair on the chest and bald on the back. Arms elongated with matting fur.