Halaa Nagrand Battle

omw, gimme a tic

edit: outside HH

broken hill

gg, actual have some respect for you at least, down for another

yes let me change talents

oof outplayed, im up for 1 more then ima hop off, win or lose

Was good duel, even 1-1,

man of my word. wont let me actual post link so best i can do is https ://i.imgur.com/7nb7VPm.jpg

(just delete the obvious space)

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The only thing you had going for you was your mythic raid gear and swifty burst macro. Literally you just used a macro that would pop all of your cooldowns and trinekts at once and would bladestorm.

Wow man. You got to do that every 3 minutes too compared to a disc priest ability that anyone can easily avoid if they just stun, interrupt, LoS, or reflect.

Dude. Ricros literally has a recording of him 1v1ing you after just getting done killing that human rogue in Hellfire. He died shortly after because the rogue had enough time to resurrect while he was fighting you. Gankologist also has a screenshot of him killing you in a 1v1 near HH.

Let’s not forget that time you got mad at Kassi for not healing you when you were losing in a 1v1 against a rogue. Want me to share those screenshots too?

The only people I camped in Legion were Impdaddy and Dodgex. I camped them because they were lowbie gankers. I was fine with you until you started to help Dodgex and Imp and would deliberately stop me when I was camping them. I actually used to think you were a decent player, even ignored the, “1600 hero” bullcrap because I don’t use that as a basis of skill.

Just so we’re on the same picture, I was never apart of this. You realize I don’t even associate myself with alot of the Hellfire Horde other than Kitty, Gank, and Kein right? I only went there to kill the Alliance camping lowbies, which later evolved to killing you guys. Don’t get me mixed up saying I wanted a screenshot. Maybe Pookee and her gang, maybe? Not sure who you’re talking about.

ricros got 1 single win on me compared to how many times I beat him in a 1v1 and it almost never was a 1v1 u were always ears length away landing healing him to full so he could kill me. now where is he that rogues aren’t 1 shotting people anymore in wpvp? haven’t seen him since. laughable. same thing with bootybae he doesn’t come out on his rogue anymore because he cant air kill or 1 shot afk people anymore so he plays his blood dk until that gets nerfed into the ground in 8.1. and I never once raged at kassi for not healing me in a 1v1. if it were a 1v1 then I do the 1v1 but she liked to sit and watch me die as her friends fought me with ridiculous numbers. that was the problem with legion everyone was on real id with everybody else and nobody wanted to help so u had a raid of 10 but only 5 people in that raid fought the horde 15 man raids because they were too afraid of hurting feelings. screw that. if its red its dead I removed all the care bears off real id and its been amazing ever since

You mean like how Yorkville was always healing you? If I recall, he was always in stealth waiting to heal you. Same with Hotdotheals. I only healed Ricros when other Alliance were around, because there would always be that 1 or 2 alliance to interrupt a 1v1.

He’s still around and he still mains rogue. Yes, even mains subtlety rogue even though it’s horse crap right now. He’s busy with life, that’s why he’s not on alot. Other than that hes not some FOTM reroller. He’s always mained rogue for as long as I knew him.

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and best part is you think that’s like some grand come back at me. rogues should ALWAYS beat a warrior in a 1v1 100% of the time regardless of gear. if u were a good rogue I would never be able to touch you. and if I cant touch u I cant heal. but since he trinketed fear into a stun and 1 shot macro he required you to land and heal him last second every time. and my macro I made up myself I didn’t go on some wow forum to look up youtubers macros I made it myself and found out what was good for dmg output and tested each new trinket in wpvp as I got it to see how much dmg it would do compared to others I was using. I have not watched a single swifty video nor would I ever nor do I need to. I make my own way I don’t need somebodie else’s work and pass it off as my own. I gear my characters with the sole intention of doing wpvp and keep the stat weights in mind for that purpose and that purpose alone to obtain more dmg output in wpvp.

This will be a fun read tomorrow

flavor of the month reroller? I have played arms and fury warrior since vanilla and nothing else. I have 11 warriors on sargeras alone. so to call me a flavor of the month player is flat out incorrect. go look up my Warcraft logs. ive played fury since BC even when it sucked I was fury. so don’t give me that crap about me being a flavor of the month player

Wait a minute, didn’t you say this exact same thing, the thing I just bolded, to Gank? Are you confusing which rogue is which?

You realize that Ricros is not Assassination, correct? He’s Subtlety. Yes, Assassination Rogue should win because all they need to do is poison you up, kite you a but, maybe through a few daggers to keep you slowed and poisoned while stunning and attacking you. I get that.

But subtlety doesn’t have dots like assassination does. A Subtlety Rogue vs a Fury Warrior is about 50/50. Both of you need to attack each other at melee range in order to deal damage, except as an added bonus you heal from it.

You read that wrong. I was not calling you a fotm reroller. I was just stating Ricros wasn’t one.

ill reiterate what ive said as well as countless gladiator warriors who also agree with me. a good rogue doesn’t matter what spec will always beat a fury or arms warrior in a 1v1 every SINGLE time.

rogue is a hard counter to warrior. every single one of their cooldowns counters our offensive and defensive cooldowns.

its like being disc in wpvp. your hard counter is fury warrior with death wish u can absorb all u like but it wont stop my 1 shotting you.

What gladiator says this? I’ve never heard one gladiator say, “regardless of spec.” Assassination? Maybe. I’ll give you that. Subtlety? No.

Look at the logic in this. Subtlety needs to be at melee range to fight. They don’t have DoTs to run and kite. They only have 1 heal every 30 seconds. Fury Warriors have heals all the time as long as they can attack. Since both of them are attacking at once, Fury would normally win.

alphon. don’t try and teach me about rogues because youre flat out wrong 100%. go find any gladiator warrior and ask them how they would fair against a gladiator rogue. they will tell u “ill duel them but ill probably lose”

better yet go talk to swifty and see what he says. id love to see his response