Hakkar the Soulflayer and Ardenweald/The Dream

Was Hakkar linked to the Emerald Dream the way the other loas and wild gods are?

What would be the chances of us seeing him in Ardenweald/Shadowlands

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It’s possible that anima is being used on Hakkar in Ardenweald to return him to life like any other Wild God.

You’ve already put way more thought into this than Blizzard has


Every expansion needs a troll patch. This can be shadowlands.

What I want:

Hakkar is the reason why we go into The Other Side dungeon, because he’s allied himself to The Jailer or something, we kill Hakkar *Cardi B voice * foreva, with Voljin’s help, thus Bwon owes Voljin a favor, and Voljin asks Bwon to free Talanji and her line from his grasp, and Voljin becomes the new Loa of Kings.

What will likely happen because Blizzard hates bla-I mean Trolls:

Hakkar will not appear in Shadowlands because who cares about established lore or unresolved plot lines, and we kill Bwon.

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Our afterlife is already a dungeon. We’re already getting thwacked and the xpac isn’t even out!

Blizzard truly hates Trolls.


According to the lore surrounding the temple of Atal’hakkar, even after the cata revamp, the Soulflayer was somehow tied to the Emerald Nightmare. His corrupted blood was making the green dragons within the temple become vulnerable to the nightmare.

Jammal’an and his undead bodyguard Ogom the Wretched stand ready to oppose any who would prevent Hakkar’s return, though the prophet’s actions may unleash upon Azeroth an even more terrible force: the Emerald Nightmare.


The trolls here perpetuate the fall of my brethren to the nightmare. They infect and corrupt green dragons with the blood of their foul god, and then harvest the evil that has grown within them. They are being farmed like livestock…


The Hakkar blood the Atal’ai have been injecting into the green dragons has had devastating effects on the dragons themselves. It appears that these dragons, former jailors of the Atal’ai, have been corrupted by its presence in their bodies and have become creatures of Nightmare.


However, it appears that blizzard was forgotten this little important detail. Or they will retcon it down the road. Wouldn’t surprise me either way to be honest.


I suspect that Hakkar was just a loa that was infected in the experiments with G’huun in Uldir, but then wasn’t properly disposed of, and he was able to joyride the Emerald Nightmare the way the other Old God forces were able to after Yogg-Saron opened the way for them.

Hakkar does have some history with Uldir, due to Vectus being a cominbation of G’huuns blood and Hakkars. Also the blood trolls in Nazmir initially worshiped Hakkar following the blood plague. However blizzard did say that Hakkar and G’huun had nothing to do with each other directly.

So who knows, maybe Hakkar was a captured loa used for MOTHERS experiments, but managed to escape when he was first summoned to Zul’Gurub. That said, https://wow.gamepedia.com/Soulflayer%27s_Corruption states that Hakkar has not appeared on any titan records. This just keeps getting interesting and interesting. Although my guess is that since Uldir was not explored until BFA, that item might refer to titan records that we knew about prior. So from places like Uldum, Ulduar and Ulduman.

They did? I don’t think I’ve seen that, so I might have missed this?

That is a good catch. Though we also know Loken corrupted the Titan’s records.

And the item was from Legion, hence why I said it probably doesn’t refer to Uldir. Uldir had its own archive of titan records separated from Ulduar.

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Q: G’huun has been called many things, including a Blood God and Old God. Can you talk a little more about his storyline? Is it related to Hakkar?
A: He is unrelated to Hakkar. G’huun is an aberration, Old God type creature that exists in this Titan containment facility. They used this facility to try to figure out what makes Old Gods tick, including performing experiments. This led to some creepy and weird stuff there. They don’t want to spoil exactly what G’huun is here but he is the result of years of experiments where they couldn’t figure out how to cure this Old God disease.

Okay, but that was months before Battle for Azeroth went live with Vectis fight and Hakkar’s presence on Zandalar and the Blood Trolls.

Also they could just be lying in that Q and A. Or, more specifically, not telling the whole truth. Hakkar could be unconnected to G’huun, and still somehow be a product of the blood plague the experimentation on G’huun caused.