Hairs under hat

I wonder if they will ever put different types of hair under hats when you’re wearing one. If not this is my request right now.


Only the Kul Tiran heritage armor does this.

And they said it likely won’t happen for other hats, because they have to manually place it on every single hair style on the race.

Which is also why heritage armors can no longer be worn by other races (if you switch race via a toy like Atomic Recalibrator), except the ones introduced before Kul Tiran.

Because this was not appealing to people playing female KTs.

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This is why I just wear glasses and combat tested shades.

Why can’t it be done programattically?

Perform a union between the hat model and the hair model. Delete hair polygons above some coordinate value declared as the bottom of the hat.

The crown/headband type hat models do allow hair to show. It does not always look good, but it does show diff hair styles.


I’d rather they just gave us a toggle so we can turn off the hair, by choice, if it’s clipping rather than just saying “No hair”

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Long hair with hats!!!

Yes that’s why I prefer to use those helms too.

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WoWs aesthetics are pretty bad. We all know this guys.