Had to share an ESO moment

So can most of the rest of us, the issue is talking about a game on another games forum. Why do this? Most people here really do not care. If I wanted to read about ESO, I’d go to their forums. You even know this as you said this…

So you already know it doesn’t belong here, but you post anyway, why?

Remember that time in ESO where it takes 30 days to learn a crafting pattern unless you pay real money to speed it up…

I don’t care how much free gold they give people. ESO’s real money services are pretty much game breaking.

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Don’t forget about mount training if they haven’t changed that yet. You can train your horse once per day per character for speed, stamina, or bag space. That crap always aggravated me. Or you could speed it up with the cash shop lol.

How about those gambling boxes as well? But hey have a health potion for logging in!

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There are many things in other game franchises that Blizzard could be inspired by.

Mainly in ways to pamper your customers.
And it doesn’t even have to be something extravagant. See glasses that were created with cosmetics.

Ahh, but what you are not telling people is how fast that 100k goes, because even basic materials needed for crafting go for 8000, to 11,000 and you need a number of them to craft.

Secondly, you failed to mention that the only way to get 97% of the mounts in game, is by spending 25 dollars or more for that mount.

You also failed to mention that the reason they put these “hooks” into the game is to force players to sign in daily, or they wont get the good reward at the end of the month, and this is done to inflate the amount of people actually playing the game, vs just logging in for their rewards.

Wow has its issues, but its infinitely better than ESO, which is designed completely around the crown store. Fun takes a back seat to monetization design.

Eso hands me xp potions to make 4/4 looms look like vendor trash