Had to make new name for previous characters

No. The Support Article still states:

All character names in a Battle.net account automatically become available after the Battle.net account has been inactive for two consecutive expansions.

In fact, it was updated a couple of months ago.


So as long as I log in to one character on any license on that Bnet account, then every character on that Bnet account has its name preserved, regardless of which WoW license it’s on and whether any (or none) of the licenses are or have been subscribed. Is that correct?

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As I understand it, yes.


Thanks. So the bit about needing game time is inaccurate and the bit about having to log in to a character on each WoW License within that BNet Account is inaccurate.

I have two unsubscribed WoW Licenses on a single BNet account. As long as I log into one character on one of the Licenses at least once per expansion, all characters on both Licenses have secure names.

Sorry for being very specific, but should I come back to the paid game, I’d want to be certain my names are preserved.

It’s been awhile since I asked about the specifics, but yes, as far as I can determine logging into a WoW license on the Battle.net account is what would mark it “active”.

Note, everything is subject to change. This is how it currently functions, but that could change at some point. The related support articles usually are updated when that happens though.


Although it does hint accurately at one limitation: you can’t log into any character of greater than level 20 without game time, so if all you have is > lvl 20 toons on all of your WoW licenses, you can’t fulfill the requirements to keep names from being released.

But you fix that by creating a new character and logging into that, since you can play a character of level 20 or lower and I guess that would count.


Thanks everybody. I’m gonna log into my second license just to be safe, since it’s not entirely clear in the article if it’s just the BNet account activity that preserves the names or each individual license. I think we’re all set here.