Had to kick low dps

In the new cata dungeons lmao ppl pulling 19k dps, yeah youre gone. Go practice somewhere else. I think ive kicked somebody out of every single group ive ran today.

I think the HP is too much though even with good dps.


Well, lucky for you I wasn’t there as the healer I am.

I would have checked you.


Umm… congratulations?


Ive been pulling 12k dps in my pvp gear. You mad?


Nope cause ik we all been kicking you and laughing about it after :rofl:


Isn’t 19k about what someone who is 346 does anyway? That’s the requirement for entry.

Yeah… they aren’t practicing, they are using the catch up mechanic to gear up.


low t

I mean its going to happen. You can get into these things as 346 and I wont lie… if I que in and I see 2-3 DPS that are 346-350 I am probably just going to take deserter and mess around on the AH for 20-30 minutes for the debuff to drop. Not because it suddenly becomes “impossible” but because I can just wait 30 minutes, que again, and maybe get a couple more geared people and complete a few of these FASTER even with a 30 min delay. This is like a 100% fact for me if its deadmines and a couple others. The instance is just to long to sit there and sleep walk while people that might not even be bad pound away on so many bosses I fall asleep.


Dunno noone kicked me last time

19k is whatever, easily enough for these dungeons. The people pulling less than 10k… bro stop. Try another class or use the training dummies’…
I do agree that the HP is a little high, takes a while to kill some bosses.


19k in 346 gear depending on group comp and class may not even be that bad, again this is entry level content, if you want 370 geared groups then queue with some

Thats a bit extream of a requirement there bud.

10k+ is reasonable (assuming low gear and poor group comp). Yes it will be slow, but very much doable. Just do the mechanics.


bro it would be SO FUN, if they gave rng chances of players getting the nef MC buff in the new dungeons.

19k isn’t bad for a 5 man group with minor buffs/debuffs. If the person was pulling 10k I would’ve said ok, maybe you’re in the right but 19k is more than enough. 12k I believe is like minimum.

It’s about double Drinknblink’s dps and they are in 372 gear.

Cmon man you need to give that up, you been harping on about it for weeks now. Drink even has a 26k dps log on Atramedes but you keep cherry picking that 1 log.


No, it makes the chronically online gatekeeping gdkper angry. Which makes me laugh.

All of Drink’s posts are about how “so and so is bad, look at their logs. Blizz shouldnt make content easier for the bads”…all while having terrible logs on a 1 button fire mage. So I don’t think I’ll stop just yet. :face_with_monocle:

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As I don’t play with drink, his posts on the forums aren’t gatekeeping me from anything.

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Probably one of their alts for all I know, randomly jumping in to seethe at the 10k dps mention :skull:

Yes because Drinkblink is magically playing on Oceanic realms.

That’s actually the 2nd time this week I’ve been told I’m someone I’m not. And both were 2 completely different people.

I first posted in this thread 10 hours ago. I didn’t randomly jump in… you did.

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