Had a hard time healing tonight

At level 54~ on my pres evoker and decided to try doing some time walking dungeons (just been questing up to this point).

I’m sure a large part of our issues came down to the tanks pulling too much and the groups not staying together, but I quickly realized some issues i was having on heals:

  1. Almost all of the evoker heals are relatively short range and I had a really hard time keeping close enough to everyone. Was constantly having to use hover and the “fly to ally heal” just to keep up with the group. When one or more dps stayed at long range and I was with the tank it became very difficult to keep everyone healed.

  2. There doesn’t seem to be a great deal of on demand burst healing with this class. It seems very reliant on heal over time effects but lacks the burst heals and emergency heals I’m used to with my druid. The few burst heals we have require empower and/or a fairly long cast time.

  3. All of our group heals are on pretty long cooldowns, and for the most part it seems like the only way to keep everyone healed is to put echo on 3-4 people and then use a direct heal on someone, but this takes a lot of resource and time to set up, not ideal for the fast pace combat the game encourages.

Any tips to help me get around these issues?

Hi! 99% of your issues is just that you’re level 54 and the game isn’t well balanced when you’re not max level - basically you out level your gear too quickly so you’re always weak in instanced content. I know it’s frustrating, but main advice is to do your best and not worry about it until you hit 80 and get about 600 ilevel.

But for later reference:

  1. Communicate to your ranged that you need them in a cluster for Dream Breath. If they ignore you, Rescue them when you need to position them. If they keep being stubborn, just exclude them from Dream Breath and if they die don’t worry about it, it’s their fault.

  2. You don’t need “emergency” heals because healing skill is about having a plan for damage that you know is coming. Still, Echo on everyone into something strong is your best spike heal. Your options are: Verdant Embrace, then followed up with something to optimize Lifebind (Dream Breath or Living Flame, or Spiritbloom, or Emerald Communion every 3 min), just a Spiritbloom, at max level there’s Engulf. There’s also a talent called Leaping Flames which you can combo with two other talents Lifespark and Call of Ysera. And of course, big CDs like Stasis or Rewind.

  3. Dream Breath and Reversion are your bread and butter. Everything else is sauce. You’ll find that as long as a Call of Ysera buffed Dream Breath is up, the team will be comfortable. You just need the ilevel to match the damage intake. I like the talent for 5 man content that gives +10% heals to anyone who has Reversion on them, you can really feel it.

  1. Range is always going to be a concern to some extent. Your range need to position appropriately, and that’s not always going to happen in pugs. I tend to ask them to stand in closer, aggressively use Rescue to reposition that one hunter who’s off in Timbuktu, otherwise just echo them and focus your aimed spells on the tank/melee pile, and if that’s not enough, sometimes it’s on them. I have gotten very fond of Spatial Paradox for the odd case of being forced out of range on Dev, I imagine it could help the same here.
  2. For dungeons, Temporal Anomaly with Resonating Sphere should be something you regularly use, if you’re not on that already. Apart from that, Tip the Scales is a big tool for this, as is Stasis, although you’ll need a few more levels to get to that. You do benefit more from planning ahead for big hits… I haven’t done resto druid in a long time, though, so I can’t compare. Usually a combination of Echo/Verdant Embrace (on yourself if needed), Echo/Spiritbloom, Echo/Reversion (with Golden Hour) are ok for single targets, and for the group, it’s usually pre-echo or use TA to apply, then various combinations as Meatyboi mentioned as well as Rewind.
  3. For general group heals, generally I try to keep Dream Breath and Reversion on the whole group, with one if not both Echoed, and fill with multitarget Spiritbloom, TA, Leaping Flames procs, etc. in between. Don’t hold onto things like Spiritbloom or TA, they’re a very low CD and you want to launch them often. Also, when you empower Fire Breath and then shoot a Living Flame at an enemy, it shouldn’t eat Echoes that are out on people but may still heal them from the extra Living Flames. You can use this to set up full Echoes during low damage periods, and if they’re about to fall off before you need them, you can refresh Reversion with them.