[H/A] [WrA] <Metric> 3/8H AOTC-Focused Fri/Sun Group LF Heals!

bumping up!

midnight bump! hoping to get some people for potential mythics.

Hey! I’m so sorry, I thought that was a Btag so I sent you one yesterday, but I will add you on Discord and we can talk more about it there :slight_smile:

bump to the top

still looking for mages and dhs!

bumping up

still looking for the elusive mage! would also consider a rogue and of course any exceptional players.

midday bump

still looking! especially interested in resto druids, mages, and rogues!

midday bump!

late night bump! needs have switched to just a mage, a healer, and maybe a rogue

another midday bump

nighttime bump

looking for a disc priest (or maybe a resto druid) and a mage still! would be open to rogues, maybe a DK. :eyes:

still searching far and wide

expanding search to include DKs! also looking for people who are just interested in m+

bumping up

afternoon bump

up to the top we gooo

almost midday bump