[H/A] <Why Not> Recruiting for AOTC and M+


We are recruiting for 10.2 AOTC clears. Our guild is comprised of multiple Mythic and AOTC only players that have broken off from our previous guild to play the game the way we want. Our goal is to blast through AOTC and enjoy the many mini games that the game has to offer, M+ title pushing, Farm Raids, and whatever else you enjoy. We are capping our raids at 15 players as our only goal is AOTC as of right now. If we want to jump back into Mythic, we’ll discuss it later down the road.

We are looking for players that want to blast. Focus on the mechanics for first kills and then parse next week. We’re a very open and friendly group. If you want to blast and worry about nothing but the fight, let me know!

Raid Nights: Tue/Wed 8-11p CST
Needs: Any DPS and 1 Healer
Contact: Broastbeef#1767 (B.Net) and @Broastbeef (Discord)