[H/A] <Wayward Soul Company> Looking for New Members to Join our Community!

Greetings! Wayward Soul Company (Wyrmrest Accord) is looking for new members to join our guild and community!

About Us
Wayward Soul Company has been around for a few years (though not with the same name) as a smaller guild for a group of friends that connected throughout the game. At the start of Shadowlands, we really found ourselves as a community and have grown into something special as a result.

We maintain more of a casual atmosphere with an emphasis on having fun and relaxing as we escape from the burdens of the real world, if only temporarily. We also strive to be as inclusive as we can be - people from all walks of life can find a home here! Tagging on to that last point, WSC identifies as a LGBTQ+ friendly community, with many of us being just that!

What We Do

Most people who join end up being friends! We are a tight-knit community who all rather enjoy each others’ company. We play WoW to have fun, and that time is only enhanced by having other like-minded individuals to share it with. We love doing mog runs and are very alt friendly… some of us have a problem.

Even if some of us aren’t playing at a particular moment in time, we still hang out in our Discord and make silly posts! It’s also important to mention that we tend towards an 18+ community, just so you know what to expect!

Mythic dungeons have been a fantastic addition to the game! They are fun, they are challenging, and sometimes even frustrating… But no matter what, we always support each other as we trudge our way through the brutal fights of each instance.

While we may not always push the highest keys, we always strive to improve as we work together. A bunch of us tend to work towards and achieve Keystone Master each season together, helping everyone out where we can!

We’re also always willing to lend a hand and offer a place of learning for those interested in this type of endgame content.

We only started raiding as a community in Shadowlands, and it has been quite a wild and fun ride! This type of content can be daunting and competitive, but as mentioned above - we are a casual-oriented guild. We don’t push for cutting-edge, but we definitely give it our all and ensure that we have fun along the way. After several Ahead of the Curve achievements, I can confidently say our philosophy works well for us!

Wayward Soul Company maintains a non-toxic atmosphere for people to try out new things and better themselves with the support of those around them. We only ask that you have patience, a willingness to learn and improve both as an individual and as a group, and the ability to focus up when we are progressing on tough fights.

It is also very important to be comfortable and have fun, meaning we do not mind what you want to play, so long as it suits you!

We typically raid Fridays and Saturdays beginning at 7PM PST.

In summary:

  • We prioritize having fun
  • We strive to cultivate a safe and comfortable space for everyone
  • We are supportive and are more than willing to help newer people learn all aspects of content
  • Play what you enjoy most! We don’t care about optimal classes/specs at all

If you’re interested in joining up, or have any questions you’d like to pose, feel free to pop into our Discord and ask away! Thank you for your interest in our guild, and we look forward to welcoming a new friend into our midst!

Wayward Soul Company


Piggybacking to say we are kinda small at the moment as well, due to some peeps having burnout and such. Hoping this thread will help us get new faces, and get back into the swing of things fully again with more bodies for activities <3

as long as you are a kind person and fit in with our values, feel free to say hi ^^

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The release date for patch 9.1.5 suddenly quickly approaches! Get yourself a fun community to play it with today!


Random but obviously super duper important thing: Our raid nights are relaxed, as mentioned, but we also like to do (optional) Mog themes many nights. This week we’ll be dressin up spooky for the raid time

We try to spice things up sometimes. We know the grind each week can get a bit dull after awhile, and a lot of us enjoy trying to shake things up. Sometimes we’ll even shake it up with alts, new specs, etc. We’re flexible :slight_smile:

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If you’re interested in joining, feel free to give us a try! If you find yourself wanting something different, there will be no hard feelings. What matters most is finding a comfortable place that suits your playstyle(s)!

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With the new patch making things a lot more alt friendly, i imagine some of us are gonna be getting back into our Altoholic tendencies for a bit, so you can also join us if you’re leveling as well! I personally enjoy leveling fresh alts too :slight_smile:

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Come on in and give us a try! Games are always better with friends :smiley:

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Jooooooin uuuuuuuuuuuuus

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We are still open and looking for people to join in the fun! We are also looking for more folks for our casual Friday/Saturday night raids, anything is welcome! And if we don’t necessarily get up to raiding, we do middling mythic keystones or even runs through older content (even the more recent BfA!). Lots of good times to be had each week, specifically on those dates when we all come together to hang out :slight_smile:

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Say hi if you’re interested either here or in game :slight_smile:

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We are still recruiting! While there may be a lull in overall activity, we definitely make a good effort to get together each weekend for mythics, raids, or whatever else tickles our fancy!

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9.2 is almost here! Make some new friends and come join our guild!

The date fast approaches! Come join a fun group to enjoy the new content with!

The patch has dropped! Join us in friendship and shenanigans!

Cool laid back group here. Definitely a nice place for casual players and those wanting to move into more group content with no pressure

The week of double legendaries is upon us! Come join a nice little community to play with!

Join us for mythic+ good times this coming season! :smiley:

Season 4 is upon us!

We are also actively looking for people interested in joining our raid group!

I joined this guild after starting WoW during season 1 of Shadowlands and bouncing from place to place for a bit. I’m still here and just want to say that it’s a great community with awesome people. I was too scared to start M+ and raid, but they didn’t care and now I raid with them every week (we even ran a full clear of fated CN last night)! Raiding and M+ isn’t required at all - the only requirement is that you have fun and embrace the non-toxic community.

This looks like exactly what I am looking for in a community! I’ve gotten into M+ for the first time this season and having a blast, but would love a guild group to run some dungeons with. I’m currently Alliance side, so I am trying to decide whether I want to reroll a new character or transfer faction. I’ll will be in touch when I figure out what I want to do :slight_smile:

Looking forward to getting in touch!