[H/A] <The Swinery> 8/9H semi-casual AOTC-focused community LFM raiders

Tuesday 7-9 PM CST
Sunday 1-3 PM CST

We’re looking for several healers and dps (preferably tank/heal off spec). We might try mythic in the future if we can build up our roster to 20 (only 12 right now). We’re not hardcore, but we want people carrying their own weight (blue parses or above ideally).

Most of us are on Area 52, but our raid group/community consists of characters from multiple servers. For mythic plus, everyone fends for themselves, as our main focus is on raiding. Most players are running at least +16 keys to keep their characters geared for raid progression.

Disclosure: We have a lot of banter, comms aren’t quiet during pulls, and our sense of humor requires thick skin.

Discord: mosmig