[H/A - RP-PVP] The Guard - Recruitment is open!


As the most consistently dominant and lauded institution of Emerald Dream, we have once again decided to open our guild for recruitment. With the impending War Within, Blizzard has opened our server to outside influence. These threats will be far greater than the pitiful guilds that make up the Horde of Emerald Dream, and we are looking for PvPers to face them head on. We will dominate from server to server, and from faction to faction, we will excel in instances, and destroy in the open world. For those who seek the thrill of battle and the glory of victory.

World PvP

As usual, we will control the entirety of Azeroth through pure brute force. Our guild is renowned for having the most experienced and strategic World PvP leaders who have mastered the art of warfare. These seasoned veterans have a proven track record of dominating the battlefield with their unparalleled tactics and brilliant strategies. Alliance AND Horde welcome, Discord is required for all World PvP events.

Rated PvP

We will have multiple RBG Teams to complement our strong roster of Arena and Solo queue players. We make an effort to have a surplus of healers, and coupled with our concentration of high-level players, The Guard is the ideal environment to reach new heights in Rated PvP.


As the hosts of a Cutting Edge raid team, we have a large contingent of competitive M+ groups running throughout the week. While we are not a PvE focused guild, there is a place for everyone in The Guard. Raiding is closed to recruitment.

Roleplay We are light/medium roleplay guild with a focus on Law enforcement roleplay as is it noted in our guild name. We respond to calls for help from citizens of Azeroth and provide patrols of zones if requested! We utilize Stormwind Guard transmogs as our uniforms for events! The Guard is sworn to protect and serve the citizenry of Azeroth!

The World PvP Comes To Us

-Basedgodbm (our glorious leader)

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You aren’t in the WrA/MG/SoE/CC wargroup, so I’ll explain why you’re probably barking up the wrong tree.

Warmode is Alliance majority over here, 5:1. Horde doesn’t really do warmode that much except for a few guilds. If you started entering our phase, you’d be bored. If we entered yours, we’d be bored. We have more than enough competition against the twenty-some Moonguard guilds that live in warmode.


I wish we could simply hit multiple likes of posts with a single character. Thanks Arázi.

OP, Emerald Dream might be a better place for you to recruit.


They’re the only guild left on ED lolol


They’re the best guys around unless you give em a hard time!

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Warmode basically destroyed WPvP on WrA.


Daaang! Shanks and Mort. Two more names a remember. I hope you boys are doing well.


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Warmode is just one of many systematic changes blizz made to kill off WPVP.


Thats okay, we’ll still recruit :slight_smile:

These guys are great, I’ll never forget the time they attended my 5th wedding in Silvermoon. What a campaign.

I bet it was a potluck dinner reception and they all brought a green bean casserole.

Who could forget the Darkmoon faire baby shower where squirtle “jumped the lump” good times.