[H/A] <No This is Patrick> Fri/Sat - Recruiting for Mythic 10.2

No This is Patrick

Recruiting for Mythic for 10.2

We’re a community of friends seeking to build a Mythic team and have fun in the process. We’re in the midst of a remake due to seasonal burnouts/IRL issues, etc. We’re a diverse and inclusive bunch who can be a bit exuberant but are fun!

Current Progression:

9/9 H - 1/9 M

Raid Times:

Fri/Sat - 6PM-9PM PST (9 PM EST - 12 AM EST)

Recruiting for Season 3, on quasi hiatus - weekly Friday H recruitment raid until S3 where we will go back to 2 raid days a week.


Positive attitude
Knowledge of class/spec
Come prepared
Ability to take constructive criticism

If you have any questions or are interested in joining please contact:

Me : (Bnet: Trixxt33r#1601 / Discord : dierdrewolf)

Current Wants/Needs/Wishlist:

1 Healer and Flex Heals with OS DPS Spec w/exp
Mage (any spec)
Open to any - looking to fill roster.

Bump! Still looking for people if interested!

Bump! Still looking to fill roster for 10.2!


Current Progression : ATDH - 8/9 H - Looking to form Mythic team.

Current Wants/Needs/Wishlist:

1 Healer and Flex Heals with OS DPS Spec w/exp
Mage (any spec)
Open to any ranged DPS - looking to fill roster

looking to get back into things.still have a dh spot?