[H/A] <Nihilum> 8/8H 4/8M (S1) Raiding and Mythic Plus Guild recruiting for Season 2 and CE

In our first season as a guild we were able to bring in 4/8 Mythic kills in a short time, with season 2 on the horizon we are looking to achieve consistent Cutting Edge on our weekend raid roster.

Currently recruiting the below for our Core Raid Team.

Tank(s): n/a

DPS: Focused mainly on range at this point but any exceptional dps are welcome

Healer(s): Resto Shaman, Resto Druid, Holy Paladin

All are welcome to apply and join but logs and performance will be taken into account for mythic progression.

Times are 7PM Fri, 7pm Sat.

Enjoy free repairs/consumables at the bank!

Our Mythic Plus roster is always expanding and the number of players wanting to push keys is increasing, so if you’re just looking for place to push 10+ keys, feel free to get in touch aswell!

message me in game @ Osairis, Acitana or Aci or, alternatively on my Bnet CrazyMage#121450

Friendly players all around

Bumping, 3/8 mythic down 5 to go

Just Bumping.

Still looking for a few key spots to fill out the roster :smiley:

Bumping. Core group still has a few spots left.

Bumping, still some core spots to fill

Bumping, Halfway to Queen spots still left to fill.

Hello I am interested

Bumping for season 2