Hi folks, < Mario Party > is an active guild/cross-realm community based on US Mal’Ganis server and is looking for more for AOTC clears and m+! We are a friendly group of players that have come together from several servers to run keys and heroic raid. We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8pm to 10pm CST. Our focus is to zone into the raid, clear efficiently and respect folks’ time, while performing well in a relaxed environment. Many of our members are active in m+ and run +20 in keys while doing Aberrus farm
We’re always recruiting, but are focusing on these classes/roles currently:
- Druids (DPS)
- Monks (DPS or Heals)
- Priests (DPS or Heals)
- Warriors (DPS)
- Evoker (Open)
Reach out to Mario#1566,Stormvine#1200, ProducePete#11198 or Jromero92#1547 in bnet, or myth0910, stormvine, Valinithia or producepete in discord if interested!