H/A - LF raiding guild/community, 1-2 nights (no wed) 8pmCST or later start time!

I have multiple Horde/Alliance characters across the bigger realms and have no problem rerolling if I can get set up asap with a guild that fits.

One to two nights a week (no wednesdays).

I have young kids. Can’t raid prior to 8 CST / 9 EST / 6 PST. I would love to raid for 3 hours or so but anything longer is too much (fri OR sat is the exception but pushing both nights super late isn’t possible).

Beyond that I’d love to push AOTC but I’m not looking to do so within the first month. If we can complete it by the end of the tier, great. If not as long as we’re attempting some heroic raiding that’s all I want.

I’m most likely playing a Paladin. Ret/Holy. Will decide closer to when things are finalized and DF is approaching. Leaning towards a Shaman, Warrior, DK and less likely a monk/priest.

I’ve played since the start of vanilla. I’ve done hardcore raiding in the past, pushed for aotc in SL (6/10H CN was the closest).

I do have younger kids. They get sick, sometimes the little one wakes up crying and I do have to leave. Historically my attendance was pretty good even when I was pushing 2 nights a week. I show up, I pull my weight and I have fun with my own builds, no necessarily the Icy-Veins build. I play my way and I do very well with it. I do log fights, I strive to improve but I don’t want anything toxic where I’m forced to pick x or y talent

I’ll leave it at that and anything else can be discussed when we chat skobes#9112

Hey hows it going. We are a bunch of guys that have families as well. We have cleared all heroic and fated and push high keys. Would love to have ya join the team. let me know if that interests you. We are on Eonar horde side. my discord Rinks#0001

Hey! We’re a group that has the same play style, and a lot of us have families/lives that take priority. We do raid Tues/Thurs 8-10:30 EST and always get AOTC, and do keys/achievements/etc in the free time. We are horde on Zul’Jin, looking for DPS of any kind if you would like to chat! Feel free to shoot me a message on disc if you’re interested - Mollotov#2682

That’s an hour too early for me. I can’t do prior to 9EST

We’re a friends and family guild on Earthen Ring. Mostly Horde but recently created an alliance sister guild on the same server and are using the in game community chat. Getting ready for when they allow cross faction guilds.

We raid 1 night per week. Friday 8-11pm PST. We progress through normal and then heroic with AOTC being the end goal, not the beginning. We got S3 AOTC with 3 weeks to spare. in S4, we’re just doing normal fun runs where anyone can bring whatever they want alt wise and anyone can come along. Just want to have fun. Once Normal is cleared, we kill a few Heroic bosses until time runs out on raid night. We’ll get more AOTC focused in Dragonflight again.

Outside of raid we run keys most nights. Most of us got KSM last season and I expect the same this season. If you want to discuss more, hit me up on discord. Darryl_TTD#8725

Hey there Fixsy, going to drop our recruitment thread below for you to check out. We are a one night a week raid team that will focus on a more casual, but organized raid environment. All we ask is 3 hours of your week for some fun and boss kills. Give the thread a read and reach out if you have any questions or interest. Best of luck in your search :slight_smile: