Looking for a solid Mythic Raid team progressing at a reasonable pace? Maybe you are looking for a raid team just getting started in mythic? If you answered yes to any of these questions DeepBreath is the guild for you. We are a horde Raiding guild on Illidian and are currently forming our main raid team. Our current progression is:
8/8 Normal
8/8 Heroic
1/8 Mythic
This is your chance to get into a good progression guild looking to prog mythic. To be clear we are NOT a casual raiding guild and have no plans of becoming casual at any point. We are looking to push Mythic at a reasonable pace. We are looking for players that match that mind set
Our current needs are:
DeathKnight - Blood
DemonHunter- Open
Druid - resto
Evoker - Open
Hunter - Closed
Mage - Open
Monk - Brewmaster
Paladin - closed
Priest - tentative
Rogue - open
Shaman - open
warlock - open
Warrior - Protection
Monday time Monday - Weds 9 - 12PM Eastern
If your interested please DM our recruitment officer on Battlenet @ Gadgitz#11559