[H/A] *I Will Wait For You* is an 18+ casual/social guild looking for more members for TWW!

Hello! Thanks so very much for taking the time to read my post!


IWWFY is an 18+ casual/social guild on Wyrmrest Accord. We accept new, friendly guild mates from all walks of life! We are horde based but allow alliance members as well & we will be accepting members in TWW from any & all servers!

IWWFY provides an active discord with many fun channels to get to know your guild family in! A lot of the founding members are also quite chatty & absolutely LOVE meeting new, friendly people & making friends! (Myself included!)

At IWWFY we plan to have lots of in & out of game events, as well as possibly play & try out some other games together for “Alt Game Nights.” We also want to try our hand at some RP events in game!

While IWWFY is not planning to raid right now, we quite possibly may in the future, but we are no where near ready for that now.

TBH, those of us who are already in IWWFY are just hanging out in discord shooting the sh!t together, getting super hyped for TWW, while leveling our timerunner toons in Panda Remix or gearing our toons from previous expansions.

Thank you again for reading! I hope to hear from you soon & if you have ANY other questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to DM me directly on discord: “wigglehugs” is my handle!

Have a fantastic rest of your day! Remember to always SPREAD JOY!
:heart: / Raspuccia

P.S. I am going to level a tailor so I can hand out a few bags to those that need them!



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Believe it or not, that’s not how we came up with the guild name! It was a convo between my partner & I about leveling… I said, “Don’t worry, I’ll wait for you!” and then, “What do you want to name the guild?” and he replied, “How about ‘I Will Wait For You?’” :heart: THE REST IS HISTORY!


Can’t wait for TWW! I def need to get my toons leveled and geared before then! Anyone wanna team up for TW?

About to get this toon to 70! :smiley:

This guild has a good heart. I hope you succeed and your members find happiness along the way.

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thank you so much! :heart:

Cute guild concept!

Kinda reminds me of the time where I was questing with a girl. Somehow I ended up a couple hundred feet ahead of her on the way to the boat in Darkshore and for whatever reason I just sat on the dock and watched the boat sail away as she caught up. She exclaimed something like “aww cute you waited for me!”

I wasn’t really planning on it being some grand gesture, but either way I never made that particular mistake again.

lol okay! ive done similar things in the past :slight_smile: so i get it!

still looking for more!