[H/A] <Early Worms> new early morning raiding guild LF more

Are you an early bird? 3rd shifter looking for a way to end the day? Or is your sleep schedule just so janky that nothing else seems to work out? Look no further! Early Worms wants YOU!

Basic Info

The guild, atm, is entirely new. I’m not new to the game, just returning for some raiding and M+ now and in War Within. I have an extensive past centered around raiding and dungeoning, with a few AOTC achieves under my belt and some mythic bosses killed current.

I’m on the hunt for like minded players interested in pushing AOTC raiding, some mythic bosses, and high end M+ keys. I’m a 3rd shifter myself and wanted a guild that could reflect my available times.

Raid/M+ Info

My aim is to have raid nights be Sat/Sun starting at 6am CST. We will raid no later than 9am CST. M+ teams will be evenings and mornings throughout the week based on availability.

Recruitment needs will change to reflect interest and current specs. As of right now we need everything. I would also like to find someone comfortable with raid leading.

Contact Information

Please leave your Discord, Btag, or IGN below to apply.

You can also contact me on Gulmintoth, on Discord through lupusalbum99, or through Btag LupusAlbum99#1729

…is this some kind undead joke?


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It’s a play on early bird gets the worm lol

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Mmhm. So you say…


Well. Carry on then.

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