[H][A] <Dont Die> Recruiting for TWW!

Hi There Wasnak! We are indeed looking to add a tank going into DF! If you want you can add my Battle Tag and I’d love to chat more.

I just sent you a friend request in game. If you are looking for dps I would be happy to throw my hat in the ring.

I sent you a bnet friend request. I’m a returning player for DF with previous AOTC experience both as bdk tank and dps. I would love to join the guild.

Posting on my actual DK.

Bump! TO the top! Thanks for everyone’s interest in the guild. We are still recruiting. :slight_smile:

Bump! Need a mage and a healer! Bonus points if you have a dps offspec as a healer :slight_smile:

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Bump! To the top! Need an awesome healer to join us as we continue in Heroic Vault! :slight_smile:

Hi Wild,

I’ve been looking to return to Hyjal. The Guild I’m in atm is a little big and full of clicks making running M+ a little tough.

They also started with heroic and it was a wipe-fest even though everyone wanted to start normal for tier and experience.

If you’re still looking for a healer. Let me know. Thx!

Hi Zafu,

Thank you for reaching out! Please add my battle tag, if you haven’t already. We can chat some more. Wild#11964 or you can also add me on discord, if that is easier. Wildreaver#5858


Bump! Too the top! Looking for an awesome resto druid or resto sham to join us! :slight_smile:

Hi, 402 Havoc DH here with a 385-390 Elemental shaman alt. I am currently 8/8 N and 5/8 H through pugs. Haven’t found a guild since I returned to play DF. I would like to get more progress in H vault if I can and run some mythics on the side, current rating is 1995.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Bump! We are recruiting fun and laid back people to join us as we prepare for our journey through Aberrus! Could use a healer and some ranged dps! Any skilled and laid back player welcome to join us though. :slight_smile:

Bump! Dont Die is looking for friendly, laid-back people interested in raiding!

Come join us and let’s have some fun! :slight_smile:

Heya… was wondering if this Guild is actively looking for Season 2 Players. Most likely playing Shaman or my Priest. Thanks!