Hi There Wasnak! We are indeed looking to add a tank going into DF! If you want you can add my Battle Tag and I’d love to chat more.
I just sent you a friend request in game. If you are looking for dps I would be happy to throw my hat in the ring.
I sent you a bnet friend request. I’m a returning player for DF with previous AOTC experience both as bdk tank and dps. I would love to join the guild.
Posting on my actual DK.
Bump! TO the top! Thanks for everyone’s interest in the guild. We are still recruiting.
Bump! Need a mage and a healer! Bonus points if you have a dps offspec as a healer
Bump! To the top! Need an awesome healer to join us as we continue in Heroic Vault!
Hi Wild,
I’ve been looking to return to Hyjal. The Guild I’m in atm is a little big and full of clicks making running M+ a little tough.
They also started with heroic and it was a wipe-fest even though everyone wanted to start normal for tier and experience.
If you’re still looking for a healer. Let me know. Thx!
Hi Zafu,
Thank you for reaching out! Please add my battle tag, if you haven’t already. We can chat some more. Wild#11964 or you can also add me on discord, if that is easier. Wildreaver#5858
Bump! Too the top! Looking for an awesome resto druid or resto sham to join us!
Hi, 402 Havoc DH here with a 385-390 Elemental shaman alt. I am currently 8/8 N and 5/8 H through pugs. Haven’t found a guild since I returned to play DF. I would like to get more progress in H vault if I can and run some mythics on the side, current rating is 1995.
Bump! We are recruiting fun and laid back people to join us as we prepare for our journey through Aberrus! Could use a healer and some ranged dps! Any skilled and laid back player welcome to join us though.
Bump! Dont Die is looking for friendly, laid-back people interested in raiding!
Come join us and let’s have some fun!
Heya… was wondering if this Guild is actively looking for Season 2 Players. Most likely playing Shaman or my Priest. Thanks!