Bump! Still looking for awesome people. Also recruiting for Mythic+, especially tanks!!
Bump! Updated recruiting! Come join us for some fun for the rest of CN, 9.1 and beyond!!
Bump! To the top for 9.1 and Sanctum of Domination! Come join a guild that downs content and has fun along the way. Need a tank, healer, and more dps to join the fun!
To the top! AoTC focused guild always looking to add fun loving, like-minded raiders and M+ players to our roster! Check us out and feel free to reach out!
Quick update to recruitment needs! Lost a tank due to some unforeseen IRL circumstances. Come join a fun and awesome guild!
Hey Wild!
Shot you a friend invite, looking forward to chatting. Have a great evening.
Bump! Halfway through SoD and having a lot of fun while doing it! If you want to down bosses on a light schedule and hang with chill people then check us out!
bump! Updated progress and recruitment needs! Looking for some skill players to help us finish off SoD!
how do u have over 400+ players it looks like in ur guild but u cant find 14 players to push H raid >? not beening rude . just dont see how something like this could happen
Hello Bougre. I don’t understand your question. We have an incredibly strong raid roster. However, we are always looking to add players throughout any given tier to help us be successful. It’s always good to find new raiders who are skilled and laid back and that can turn into friends!
all good was not tring to be butt only tring to figure out if a guild has 400+ players but looking for more to fill there H roster which only take 2/3/9 to do . was all
Bump! updated our recruitment needs! Really could use an awesome mage and some flex DPS/healers!
9.2 bump! We are beginning our prep for 9.2 and would love to make some new friends!
would love to join the guild…added you on bnet
Bump! Recruiting for a healer! Come join the fun
Bump! To the top! Have an immediate opening for a healer and a tank! Come join us as we laugh and have fun but kill internet dragons!
Bump! To the top! We have open recruitment for Dragonflight! Come slay internet dragons with us!
Have room for a Resto Sham?
Hi There! We would love to add a resto shaman to our roster. Feel free to reach out to me on Battle.net or next time I am in game.
Are you guys looking for a tank?