[H/A] <dads> aotc guild lfm for amirdrassil .:. mon/tues 7:30 - 9:30pm PST

  • dads is a World of Warcraft Guild on Proudmoore US. dads is a guild composed of Real-Life friends that have been playing World of Warcraft and other games together for almost 20+ years. We have been on many servers together and played through all expansions together always achieving AOTC and some mythic kills. We don’t aim for Mythic Progression but if we do it, awesome.
  • We are an ethnic guild and pride ourselves on that. We know that we are all human but our diversity is what really makes us human, our officers and GM’s are all minorities (No we don’t get any affirmitave action buffs)
  • We’re here to slay some dragons together, and push Mythic +'s. Raiding Schedule is 7:00pm-9:30pm PST - Sunday/Monday - Super casual, but when we’re in raid mode, dragons will die. We would love to have you on board.
  • GUILD STANDARDS : We say what we want, when we want and expect the same from you.

1.) Our language may offend the easily offended, we’re all friends and we don’t have any intentions of hurting one another.
2.) When there is a problem, i.e Drama/Loot/DPS, we will address it then. No need to harbor your feelings, we’ll handle it and move on, like adults.
3.) In game we are focused on helping each other with game content whether that be a quest or resources or even progressing in raids and mythics.
4.) We value the hard workers, the person that puts in that extra hour to farm some mats or asking question to better their performance, we’re here for you!

Currently looking for Off-tanks, dps ( range Mages, Boomkins, Warlocks ) - Also looking for some dripped out healers ( Paladins, Priests, Resto Druids ) but any will do. Spots are limited as we are only looking to run a small group this tier.

If this seems fitting to you - Come join us, we would love to have you!

Reach me here, or you can add me in-game @ MADO#11428 or hit up my boy PKLE#1455

Hope to hear from you all! CHEERS

http:// thedadsguild .com (remove space)

discord: heymado
blizzard: mado#11428

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lf players. please. come. play.

This is a bump