[H+A] <AZRA> LFM + raiders for Sat/? 6pm-9pm EST Heroic Raid Team

AZRA is looking for more players to play TWW with! We’re mainly working adults and have a very awesome core group of players that are friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable.

We are most active during the evenings EST and weekends. We have plenty of active discord voice chat users, folks leveling and gearing alts, and daily tmog and m+ runners. Our focus is on pve content but plenty of us like to pvp, we are interested in forming a guild rbg team in TWW,

So no matter what content you like we would be a decent fit!

Our main focus is to help our guildies learn about and experience the game, whatever type of content they might like. So our guild is casual in attitude.

–We are looking for more raiders for our TWW AOTC aspiring raid team
If we have enough interest putting together a second raid team would be a simple task.

Anyone is welcome! we encourage all of our guild members to come raid with us, even if they have zero experience in raiding. We can help get you geared and I teach all fights.

We could use any role as we are fleshing out who wants to do what right now and most are flexible.

We do guild raids Saturdays at 6pm eastern time.

We are pretty casual raiders and just have fun with it, but we do clear heroic content without hitting many walls.

Message me or my wife via battlenet or discord

ME: @battle.net: Magus#1378 @discord: Malicide#8244
WIFEY: @battle.net: StormShadow#13316 @discord: Morticia#9959

Or join our discord community: gg/kXUvUcxT

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Still LFM raiders and guildies! ^^ This is a great place to learn and grow.

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We are willing to teach and help get you geared up as well!

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We are still looking for chill folks to play TWW with… and people interested in doing raids, m+, and pvp.

If you are looking for a welcoming guild where you get treated like one of the group this is the perfect guild. From the first time I joined discord everyone was super nice and helpful!


Any openings for a Pres/Aug Evoker, Resto/Bal Druid, MW Monk, and/or a Holy Priest?

I am on Sargeras; used to be on Stormrage >.< but moved my toons here for a Mythic progression guild that imploded this xpac.

I have been playing and raiding since Vanilla, Alliance (I hope that isn’t a problem). I have healed and been DPS in progression raiding and M+ guilds. My bnet is goofrump#1497.

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Thank you so much ^^ We really appreciate the feedback

Come join our discord and take a look around :smiley:


Updated to better explain our current state. Still looking for chill folks for weekend raiding and daily m+ and pvp.

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