[H/A] <Ascension> Mythic CE Guild LF Healer

We are actively recruiting for a 5th healer for an established CE Guild on Zul’jin. We currently raid Tues/Wed 2000-2300 CST and additionally Thursday at the start of tier to maximize tier set opportunities and eventually run it as a heroic/off night. We have achieved CE every tier since Antorus in Legion and are a close knit guild.
We are not recruiting a specific class but we do have a roster going into 11.1 that already includes a disc priest, mw monk, pres evoker, and hpally. While CE experience is not required, a history of higher level mythic progression raid is highly favored.
If you are interested or if you have any questions feel free to reach out to Sash (Discord: sashicorn/Bnet Sash#1962). Thanks!