[H/A] [Area-52] <Suspended Degeneracy> LF Mage CE Focus 9/9H 7/9M T/W 9:15PM-12:15 EST

LF exceptional DPS for Mythic!

LF exceptional DPS for Mythic!

LF exceptional Healer/DPS for mythic prog. Prior warrior, mage, warlock,

Bump for Heals and DPS!

Bump Looking to fill 1 main healer spot! Exceptional DPS also welcome to apply!

LF Exceptional DPS and Healers!

Good progress so far! 7% on M Experiments. Looking for a skilled mage!

Bump to keep it going. LF some DPS that can rotate for better comp!

LF druid pref boomy

LF Druid, Pref Boomy and Mage

LF 1 MS healer Evoker/rDruid and mage/Boomy

Bump for Heal/DPS!

LF Heals with DPS OS and DPS: Prio warrior, mage, warlock

LF Heals with DPS OS and DPS: Prio warrior, mage, warlock

LF DPS prio mage and warrior!

Bump for DPS mage and warrior

Bump for DPS warrior!

Im bumping so hard right now :eye: :lips: :eye:

Dump LF Warrior DPS

LF Fury/Arms Warrior and DH