[H/A] [Area-52] <Suspended Degeneracy> LF Mage CE Focus 9/9H 7/9M T/W 9:15PM-12:15 EST

lf tanks for raid??

Currently full on tanks for raid. We could use someone with a tank offspec for M+ though

1/8 M wooooo, need to get a full roster ASAP!

Looking for Healers and DPS!

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

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I’m tired of this grandpa

Gib Heals and DPS plox. ty.

The less we have to pug the better! LF Healers and DPS!

Getting ready for reset next week, and the next week, and the next week! LF heals and DPS


Still looking for a couple healers (hpal, priest) and DPS (mage would be huge)

Hey, I’m iLvL 410 Prot Paladin 8/8H | 2/8M | AoTC, Mythic Terros 30%

Still looking for more DPS and healers!

Almost there. still looking for DPS and Healers!

Please gib DPS and Heals. ty.

3 HEALER AND 6 DPS spot still open!

DPS | Priority:
Demon Hunter | Medium
Monk | Low
Rogue | High
Shadow Priest | Low
Death Knight | Medium
Paladin | Medium
Warrior | High
Balance Druid | High
Feral Druid | Medium
Hunter | High
Elemental Shaman | Low
Warlock | Low

Heals | Priority:
Priest | High
Shaman | High
Paladin | High
Druid | High
Evoker | Low
Monk | Low

Still looking for some healers and DPS!

Looking for more like minded players who aren’t terribly concerned about meta.

Looking for more healers and DPS!

Well, it’s restart day and we’re all bored and on the forums again right? Anyways, can I get some healers and some DPS plz? Thx.