(H/A) <Alpha Omega> is Recruiting for UnderMined -- Thurs/Sundays @ 5pm PST (5/8 Heroic -- 1/8 Mythic)

Hello there! Alpha Omega is Currently Recruiting for Liberation of Undermine Raid

Always recruiting for friendly, helpful, Veteran players, Returning players for the Current “The War Within” Tier Content.

Little bit about us. We are couple of Veteran players from the old WoTL era, Pushing end game content in WoTL, Cataclysm, Warlords of Dreanor before real life things the guild and decided to stop raiding. The Guild never disbanded but just laid inactive pretty much up until Last season of Dragonflight expansion and decided towards to the end of DF expansion to reform the guild after years of Hiatus guild wise.
Since then, Alpha Omega is back fully running as a Guild at the start of The War Within expansion

We always Aiming to build new/existing bonds with each other and helping to progress in all End Content together. We are Casual Guild, We just want to have a fun and chill environment that’s not hardcore but still progressing through content.
We are Small to Medium size guild depending on the day

Alpha Omega home server is on Azjol-Nerub. Open to Alliance and Horde, other realms, all are welcome!

Progression in Liberation of Undermined
---- 8 / 8 Normal Mode ----
---- 5 / 8 Heroic Mode ----
---- 1 / 8 Mythic Mode ----

---- Nerub-ar Palace ----
----- 8 / 8 Heroic Mode -----
----- 3 / 8 Mythic Mode -----

----Guild Goals----
Our Main Goal is pushing and clearing Heroic Raid tiers for Aotc, and taking the next steps into Mythic Raiding to push as far as we can on Casual level. —Our other goals to do endgame content like Mythic Keystones and Delves.

Raid loot — Starting Season 2, the guild will be starting Loot Council to handle raid loot going forward. LC will be for Heroic and mythic raid loot.

-------Raid Days and Times------
Thursdays and Sundays : @ 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Western Timezone. —(Main 2 Raid Nights)—
Alt Raid Nights, Normal / Heroics on Mondays : @ 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Western Timezone

----Guild’s Current Needs for Raids----

Top Priority Needs – Shadow Priest, Boomkin

DPS – Looking for Range DPS - Shadow Priests, Evoker, Ele Shaman, Boomkins
Healer – Disc Priest and Any Off-Spec Heals Classes

If this sounds like a good fit for you, Feel free to add us, and we’ll be happy to chat with ya

If interested about joining, Please add Battle.Net Tags of-- Arcadian#1799 (Guildmaster) and or SwisherSweet#1925(Co-GM)


Nice place for returning players looking to get back into things

Searching, new and returning folks welcome !

Veteran player here (since vanilla) that left the guild seen in SL because guild became inactive. I am wanting to get back to group content without Pugging (hate pugging). I have a arms (horde 502 ilvl warrior) but have problem off tanking in prot. I also have a (horde 500 ilvl enh shaman) and finally a (alliance 492 ilvl fury warrior) . I am just trying to find good people to play wow group content with. Please let me know if you are still recruiting or not. thanks Bnet ID Tenfoottall #1945

Heya Markonesham, I added you, hope to talk soon : )

New, Returning players, this can be good fit, to start fresh.

Random comment. But I found this post and I used to raid with you guys back in Wrath during Trials to ICC back when i was 12 xD. Happy to see you guys are still playing.

1 Like

Updated the Forum post with set raid days now.

And good to see ya Vaxeus !!

sent ya a battle tag request

Sorry, I didn’t recognise the ID on invite and accidentally deleted it. I don’t think the guild is right because of PST raid time, I am on EST but I appreciate the outreach its been really hard finding a decent guild for WW

No worries, thank you for your interest tho Markonesham.

Friendly bump also!

I’m LFG (Muradin/horde) not sure how to get in touch with cross faction ppl though.

Heya Riftcrawler, Just shoot me a friend request @ SwisherSweet#1925 on Bnet and we chat :slight_smile:

Building up for TWW, old guild reforming. Good opportunity for new, returning, and players looking for new home

New, Returning players, this may be good fit, to start fresh

Early access here, if your New , Returning player or just looking for new home. We love to chat with you

Release day this Monday , looking for raiders, casuals, returning players, New players. All are welcome

Updated with current class needs

New expansion is here, still looking for range dps and couple of healers to fill out the raid team

Sent you a request