(H/A) <Alpha Omega> is Recruiting for UnderMined -- Thurs/Sundays @ 5pm PST (4/8 Heroic)

Updated, Our first mythic bosses kill this raid tier. Still looking for few more

Friend request sent.

Hi there! I am an experienced mage player and interested in your community! I’ve sent you a Bnet request (from Southpaw#1532).

Looking forward to connecting!

Hey there Turbo, thank you for your interest in us! Once I get home work later today, I’ll accept and we can chat

Sounds great, thanks kindly! Have a good day at work

Updated info, 3rd mythic boss dead guild progression

Good afternoon. I have some questions about Guild Recruitment and would like to speak with someone whenever they are available. Bnet tag is Yohnasaurus#1395. Thank you and have a nice day!

Hello! Myself (prot pally) and my friend (Holy priest) are looking for a guild to do S2 dungeons with and get into some casual raiding. We have raided in past xpacs back to vanilla, but are coming back to the game after a bit of a break.
I like the vibe of your post! We are on H Sen’jin.
My btag is Banshee #12435.

Sent a Bnet request, playing disc/shadow.

Added you :slight_smile:


Bump search

I’m a Mythic Raider Disc Priest & Unholy DK
I’ve friends that are returning to the game looking for alt nights and m+ brewmaster and holy paladin.

Discord : botguy44

Looking for few more

Search bump


Looking for disc priest

Search bump

Friendly bump

Looking for more