(H/A) <Alpha Omega> is Recruiting for UnderMined -- Thurs/Sundays @ 5pm PST (4/8 Heroic)

Looking for few more to build up mythic raid

Boomkin looking for a new consistent guild for mainly mythic+ and raids!

Hey there Aranna, feel free and add Arcadian#1799, Like to chat with ya

was just sent

Friendly bump

Friendly bump

Looking for priest heals, monk and range dps

Updated info

Sent a Bnet request :slight_smile: Hope to speak with you all soon!

Recruiting for H Nerub-ar Palace and upcoming 11.1


Hey i sent you a request on battle.net. im looking for a guild just came back after a long hiatus and am looking for people to play with and maybe get back into raiding.

You wouldn’t happen to be looking for a holy priest by any chance, would ya? :slight_smile:

Heya Daphnie, we are! Feel free to add me or the guild gm on battle net for us to chat some more. @ Swishersweet#1925 and Arcadian#1799 One of us or both will get back to you asap

Christmas Eve bump

Merry Christmas

Added on bent :slight_smile: returning CE player looking for laid back home

i618 Prot Warrior here looking for a Guild and Raid / M+ Group to progress with. Are you guys still recruiting?

BT: HâVøÇ#1618
Discord: hav0c3870

I’ve just sent you a request, very interested to talk with you all!

I am interested but I have a few questions. Please reach out on discord at bestviperna