[H/A] <Achievement> recruiting!

TWW is on the way. Remix is almost over. Now is the time to find a home for yourself. We have Raid Nights, Guild Nights, a ranking system on our Discord, giveaways, contests, a bunch of chatty folks, and me. I’m the main attraction when on Group content. I get lost, tell bad jokes, and really never shut up when I get on a roll. You wanna join up. I promise itll be a hoot!

We’re hunting an Old God, Brann. Or at least, an Old God’s minions.

New Members! Warbands! Remix’ers! And me. I’m the reason you should join Achievement.

It’s almost time for us to have the chance to see Emo Anduin! Grizzled, sand covered former King and bringer of peace.

I miss Sylvanas.

So join up with Achievement! New mounts, tmogs, and, of course, ACHIEVEMENTS!!!

The time is nigh upon us. The World Soul will be revealed, history will be made, and tales and songs will be passed down for generations! So I say to all my Horde brothers and sister! Do you miss Sylvanas?

I do. Please bring her back. And Achievement is recruiting. Join up!

As someone who is a long time member if Achievement (since around the start of S2 of Shadowlands), and someone who likes to dip their toes into all sorts of content, I believe that this is a wonderful guild to join! The members are wonderfully sweet and there are many members present that light up the mood with their humor!

I feel as though if I didn’t join the guild back then I wouldn’t be who I am now. They let my passion for raiding blossom, and the people there allowed me to grow as a person.

If you are looking for an easy going community, this is a place for you! No one here are really hard core sweats at the game who think that just because you don’t have the gear or the skill that you shouldn’t try to improve. This guild really fosters a community that are there to support each other through any challenge!

  • Conau

The Day is Nigh! It’s almost time to dive deep into the heart of Azeroth, and see things never before. Join us!

Delves! Mine shafts! Beards on everyone! New Mounts! More exclamation marks!!!

Join up with us and discover how lost i can be on raid nights!

Holy Moly! Its been 9 whole days since i bumped the thread! They’re gonna take my rations away! Forgive me for being slack!

Nah, they wouldnt do that…they dont feed me.

Join us for fun! Laughs! And me getting lost or face planting every Guild Night!

Join us for memes, alpacas, dunking on Brann, and making your achievement number go up!


Comilito equinus

Orbitas lacuna

G’Odhun A’l Korok Boda Uh’m

Boda Uh’m Ron’Kashal

Detrimentum a do sola ditas.

An Karanir Thanagor

Mor Ok Angalor

Mor Ok Gorum…

Pala Ah’m Ravali Ah’m.

Comilito equinus

Orbitas lacuna

G’Odhun A’l Korokh Boda Uh’m

Boda Uh’m Ron’Kashal

Detrimentum a do sola ditas.

An Karanir Thanagor

Mor Ok Angalor

Mor Ok Gorum…

Pala Ah’m Ravali Ah’m.

— The Rose of Ashenvale —

The sky was clear, the morning was fair, no breath came over the sea,
When the fair maid left her humble home and wandered forth with me,
Though flowers deck’d the mountainside and fragrance fill’d the vale,
By far the sweetest flower there was the Rose of Ashenvale.
Sweet Rose of Ashenvale, Sweet Rose of Ashenvale,
By far the sweetest flower there was the Rose of Ashenvale.

Where’er I wandered East and West, and fate began to lour
One solace still was she to me in sorrow’s lonely hour
Oh tempest lashed our lovely boat and rent her shiv’ring sail
One maiden form withstood the storm, was the Rose of Ashenvale.
Sweet Rose of Ashenvale, Sweet Rose of Ashenvale,
One maiden form withstood the storm, was the Rose of Ashenvale.

And when my fevered lips were parched on Tanaris’ burning sands
She whispered hopes of happiness, and tales of foreign lands,
My life has been a wilderness unblest by fortune’s gale;
Had fate not linked my love to hers, Sweet Rose of Ashenvale.
Sweet Rose of Ashenvale, Sweet Rose of Ashenvale,
Had fate not linked my love to hers, Sweet Rose of Ashenvale.

Join Achievement and sing your way to Glory! Or riches. Probably riches.

11 whole days! Wow, I hope Galafen will forgive me for this! We’re rockin & rollin into TWW, and you can join us on the Journey! Games, laughs, and a community that will feel like Family. Join us and have tons of fun!

Those webs will summon Nerubians. Don’t stand in 'em! Check us out instead.

All the critics agree, TWW is the bee knees! The cat’s meow! And other antiquated metaphors! Join up with the best-est achievement/mount/pet…things? Is things the right word? I dunno. But I’m using it. Join up!

What are some of your favorite WoW quotes or ones that you can relate to yourself or someone, something in real life?
Here’s a few of mine!

  • “Your father’s actions were indeed heroic. They were a challenge to us, his people, to never let fear prevail even at the very gates of hell.” - Genn Greymane, Legion.
  • “How easily the mind can be turned to hate from a place of fear - an instinctive, natural, protective response. Instead of focusing on the things that unite us, we focus on what divides us.” - Thrall, Rise of the Horde.
  • “My father once told me that peace was like a dream… Beautiful. Ephemeral. Unattainable. I didn’t listen. No one listened. We’ve made kindling from our suffering. Stirred the embers of resentment. Just waiting for a single spark to set the whole world aflame.” - Jaina, BfA Features Trailer.
  • "It’s been difficult for me to trust after losing so much. But from you I have learned patience, tolerance, and faith. Anduin, I now believe as you do, that peace is the noblest aspiration. But to preserve it, you must be willing to fight!” - Varian, Legion Cinematic Trailer
  • “I have no time for games.” - Sylvanas Windrunner, W3

And my most favorite of them all:

  • Always remember that power is a double-edged blade. One side light, the other dark. It calls to you, where you are most desperate; when victory seems worth any sacrifice. There is a price to be paid for such a gift, and many eagerly accept the bargain. The righteous and the meek may recoil at its cost, but they have no vision. Power alone is not to be feared. Fear instead, those who wield it! - Jaina Proudmoore, KotFT

Join us in protecting Azeroth’s World Soul in TWW! I personally think the World Soul is a Murloc. How about you? Join us and find out together.

It is actually three murlocs in a trench coat, pretending to be an orc.

Nah, Murlocs are more intelligent than that. They know we’d see the back spines all along the middle of the trench coat. I’m gonna go with those creepy kid from Goldshire who do that strange ceremony in the middle of the night!

Anyways, join Achievement to find out for sure!

The Anniversary Event is almost over, and then it’s time to dive back into Delves, Dwarves, and Disorganized Disorder! Is that…a thing? thinks about it Eh, who knows? Join Achievement for more poor alliteration!