Abomination has once again been resurrected from the dead. The guild that can’t stay gone. If you are rejoining us from Legion or Shadowlands welcome back! If this is your first go around we are happy to have you. This time we are on antidepressants so you can call us new and improved. The guild is returning to it’s original location of Bleeding Hollow. You are welcome to play any class of any faction on any server you wish.
• The raid schedule will be Wednesday and Thursday 830pm EST - 11pm EST.
• Our raid goals is to casually obtain aotc every tier.
• Consumables will be provided by the guild.
• Loot will be MS > OS > Transmog.
• 1-2 Healers
• 1 dps prefer rdps
• Ability to be max level and 620 ilvl by March 5th if planning on raiding.
• No requirements if wanting to just hang out.
If you are interested in joining us please in discord: