Hello! I recently transferred over to Bleeding Hollow, and I’m looking for a fun group of great people to raid, push keys, and just enjoy the game with! I took the free character transfer over to Bleeding Hollow after launch, and unfortunately haven’t been able to find a guild recruiting a MM Hunter. I went 3/12M NYA, as well as AoTC the past few tiers, as well as 2/9M BoD. Unfortunately I don’t have the mythic raid experience I wish I had as the guilds I was part of at the time lost interest, but I am more than willing to learn and contribute.
I’m also more than willing to server transfer and even faction transfer for the right group of people! Not too worried about a guild trying to push CE, just a guild that knows how to have fun and get some progression done at the same time. Please feel free reach out to me on Discord or Bnet if you’re interested/would like to talk, I’ll link them below! Thanks for taking the time to read, and take care!
Discord: Catharsis#8776
Bnet: Grave#11836