218 Resto druid looking for a new home. Guild raiding team is falling apart and I’d like to continue on with AOTC and potentially dabble in mythic. Located on Garona but potentially willing to transfer for the right group to do mythic raids if it works out.
Current Progress:
9/10H with pulls in all Sire phases.
1090 RIOand rising. Hoping to get Keystone Master in the next week or two.
Available Tuesday-Thursday from 6-10ish CST. I often play other days doing M+ content.
Character is available on Raider and Warcraft Logs - Kalerito - Garona
Discord: Kalerito#6044
Big Facts (Alliance - U.S. Proudmoore) is looking for progression minded players who want to receive AoTC and push into Mythic Raiding. The task and purpose of Big Facts is to foster a community of raiders who want to clear content on a light 2 raid night a week schedule while maintaining standards for skill and class knowledge.
Current Role Needs
- Must be at least 18 years of age*
- Have prior AoTC or Legacy Heroic raiding experience.
- Have an understanding of your class and spec.
- Have a PC and internet capable of consistently running World of Warcraft
- Have the time and dedication to make raid nights consistently.
- Have a 190+ ilvl
** = Those who are above the age of 16 but below the age of 18 can request to join and obtain a wavier from an Officer.*
Preferred (In addition to above)
- Have prior Mythic raiding experience
- Have parses for the current or previous raid tiers with your current class
Raid Schedule:
Tuesday and Friday 5:30 - 9:00 (w/ possible 30 min extension) PST (U.S. Los Angeles/Proudmoore Server Time)*
** Note that the guild may run optional Heroic splits or Alt runs in addition to this depending on raider availability and content requirements.*
Application Process:
- Quick interview with guild officer
- Trial period based on performance (maximum of 2 weeks), trial waivers available for those who can produce relevant logs and demonstrate class knowledge in the interview.
Contact for Application or Questions
Lockrael Recruitment Officer: Lock #12410
BigBoy Guild Master: OffSeeker#1965
Discord: dKVBCH7u (this is the last part after the /) 
Unbroken Alliance(8/10 Heroic) est in 2010…Is looking for dedicated raiders who dont mind progression , wiping and having fun… Currently looking for one heals , several dps for our heroic grp currently 8/10 on heroic. We raid Tue /Wed 745pm Est to 10pm est. Also need permanent tanks and dps for our Thurs/Fri grp Currently on normal Sires also heading towards heroic. Raid times are 745pm to 10pm est. If u are interested pst me Ureka#1269. And i am looking forward to seeing u at Unbroken Alliance.
Unbroken Alliance is an Alliance guild located on Stormrage and founded in 2009. We are currently 8/10H and an AOTC focused guild. Our roster is diverse with players in all age ranges and from many different walks of life. We are currently recruiting progression raiders, casual raiders, and mythic + players. Alts and casuals are welcome as well. Toxic and elitist players need not apply.
Current Raid Schedule
Team 1 - Tuesday/Wednesday 7:45 PM EST - 10:00 PM EST - Heroic Castle Nathria
Team 2 - Thursday/Friday 7:45 PM EST - 10:00 PM EST - Normal Castle Nathria
Raid Recruitment
We are looking for solid and dependable raiders to join our team for Shadowlands. Strong attendance and team oriented attitude are required. Discord is mandatory for all raiders.
Heroic Team 1 Needs
- Heals
Normal Team 2 Needs
- Main Tank
pst padock or urekka on stormrage if you are interested and hope to see u here ty
Hefty of Area 52 is looking for a few more dps and heals to bolster our team as we prepare to move into mythic. Currently 8/10H, 10/10N, we raid Tues and Thurs 10pm-1am EST. We are a semi casual adult only (21+) guild, and most of us are in our 30’s-40’s. Outside of raids, our members enjoy doing M+, pvp, transmog runs, and leveling alts. If you’re interested or would like to talk further, please add me in game at Rawrabear#1450