[H-Zul'Jin] <LBC> 9/12M Thurs/Fri/Sat 11pm-2am LFM

LBC [H-Zul’jin] [9/12M] is a semi-hardcore mythic progression guild with the goal of striving the furthest we can go each tier

Current Status

Late to the party of raiding Nya’lotha we have decided to strive for cutting edge this tier. We recently created the guild back in April; where about 80% of us are RL friends outside of raid, we work well together in times of progression.

When do we raid?

We raid Thurs/Fri/Sat @ 11:00PM-2AM EST - you can call us late, but most of us are from the west coast in Cali. We hang out late compared to the east coast.

What’s the guild atmosphere like?

As stated we are a semi-hardcore progression guild, with that in mind we do hold people accountable to hold their weight. Raids nights usually means we are in for a good time; jokes and ball busting is allowed as long as you can take it too. We do more then just raid, we have plenty of players who run keys, and pvp.

What are we looking for?

  • Raiding wise we’re looking for players (470+ ilvl with corruption) who can produce good parses per ilvl (65+%) all while being able to show up consistently to our schedule. We understand life happens where we prefer a notice ahead of time
  • Specifically:
    • Tanks: FULL
    • Melee: FULL
    • Range: ALL
    • Heals: Paladin
    • Not listed? Exceptional players still encouraged to inquire! A bench spot is available, no guarantee to raid every night, but can use as needed and earn your spot.
  • Friends are more than welcome. We are more than just a raiding guild; we like to do other things inside and outside of WoW. Alot of us play more then just wow; such as LoL, Valorant, CoD, etc

How can I join?

Please add one of our recruitment officers and they will reach out to you to see if you are a fit





we about to down the next boss so 9/12m in the making =)

Bump me to the top papi

ten characters

I approve of this message

Sounds like a dope guild

we raid thursday this week, still lookin

started from the bottom now we here!

going 10/12 this week!

these dudes sound so good i might faction change!

CE baby! we coming fo ya

Im a cat…thank you for coming to my TEDtalk

drest down. still looking for more

need more range