Hey all im Brightz
im 41 and I have played a warlock my entire WoW career and have recently found myself looking for a new guild of ragtag ruffians to roll with.
started in vanilla and took a break after wotlk. skipped cata, panda. dreanor came back for legion and bfa, skipped SL and back for Dragonflight!
My focus in game is Raiding for AOTC, casual pvp, collecting mounts / mogs / toys. I will do M+ but not much because I feel it greatly increases my chance of burnout. But most of all is I enjoy being social and interacting with people in game and on discord with bad photoshops, memes and other shenanigans
So far I have aotc on jaina, g’huun, argus and raszageth
Im available to raid Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. but can be found ingame almost all days at some point. I am in EST timezone (server time)
I am currently on Zul’jin Horde. all my characters are horde and i am willing to xfer for the right team.
I sure hope to hear from you!
bnet - Deedz#1537
discord - DieDaze#5677
Whoops this is me! Brightz!
Hi Brìghtz!
Our guild, Found a Green Quest-Zul’jin, is actively recruiting a Warlock, UH/Frost DK, BM Hunter, Devastation Evoker and Rogue for our progression team. Currently, we are 8/8N 7/8H with a very strong core team that is looking to fine tune our roster to kill Razageth. Our ideal candidates are people who are looking for a potential long term team as we continue to hit AOTC every season. We are willing to teach and gear the right candidates who are able to pull respectable numbers and do boss mechanics reliably. Our current raid times are Wednesday and Thursday from 7:30pm est to 10pm est. If you are interested, please feel free to reach out to Jarsha-Zul’jin or Vandrex-Zuljin to speak to raid leaders.
Discord- Jarsha#1350
Discord- Vandro#5790
Hey Kiuayoukai, I have seen you guys around on the realm! And i would be interested however the raid times just dont fit for my schedule. maybe an alt for socials?
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We definitely accept alts for socials! Feel free to send me a friend request on discord, and I would be happy to welcome you! Kiuayoukai#2395