[H] <Zealot> 11/11 3/3 LFM Wed/Thurs 9:30pm-12:30am EST


Zealot is currently recruiting a couple more members to complete our 25-man roster. We are a semi-casual guild with semi-hardcore minded raiders.

Zealot was founded by a group of friends that have been working very hard to build a friendly community seeking to clear content but also have fun doing it. If your idea of fun is to stack meta, parsebot and steamroll the content, this guild probably isn’t the place for you! We do enjoy killing bosses but some of the excitement dissipates when you min/max everything until eventually people burn out. We aim to keep our community engaged and excited to raid every week for the chance of more purples.

We are currently 11/11 Kara with 2 groups going each week and Gruul/Mag down.

Classes/Priority (Low/Medium priority classes may be backup/rotated)
Druid - High (Boomkin)
Hunter - Medium
Mage - Low
Paladin - Low
Priest - Low
Rogue - Low
Shaman - Medium (Resto)
Warlock - Low
Warrior - Low

Discord/In-game contacts:
Bramse - bramse#4541 (GM) = Bramlok
Covin - Covin#1196 (Lead officer) = Covin
Zedd - HermanMunster#7158 (Recruitment officer) = Kiræ