[H] <Youre Not My Dad Guild> | Tues/Sun 9pm-12 | All P1 content on farm | LF Warlock

About Us:
YNMDG is a Day 1 TBC guild that was formed by a core group of mature adult gamers who share a common vision and values. The core group (~20) of us came from a 15/15 Naxx guild in classic, and many of us are long time MMORPG veterans. We aren’t here to push for global times or parse the highest. We are here to have fun, clear content, do some pvp, and hang out with our community, in and out of WoW. We have had a stable roster since Day 1.

We have cleared all Phase 1 content since week 3, and currently run two 11/11 Kara groups, with a 3rd alt/flex group that started last week and is 10/11.

Our vision and values:
Transparency - All guild decisions are openly decided through discussion/votes.
Empathy - Understand that behind every character is a real person with feelings and needs.
Fun - Raid progress happens naturally when people enjoy themselves. We encourage people to play the class/spec that they prefer, and will do our best to accommodate raid spots.
RL > game - Understand that real life takes precedence over a game. Many of us have families and RL obligations. All we ask for as a core raider is to communicate in advance where possible if you are unable to raid.

Our guild has a large number of active pvp-ers, and have frequent guild BG groups going on. We are always accepting social/flex members. If we have a spot because someone is out from the raid core, we’ll fill from the guild first!

Phase 1 Loot:

Phase 2 Loot:
TBD. We will be conducting discussions/polls just as how we did prior to P1.

We’re currently in need of:

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to me (Xyun#0475), Gildbnasty/Gilderboost#9167, or Bigluva#2370.