< Y E P > Faerlina Horde is recruiting for our CORE raid roster with immediate spots for current needs (see below). We DO NOT RECRUIT FOR A BENCH. We are a one night clear guild on Tuesday’s, however, our progression days include Weds/Thurs. Raids on farm are typically 2-3 hrs on Tuesday. Ulduar heroic was around 2hrs , ToGC heroic 30mins. We have been together since classic MC and are looking to expand our roster going into ICC. We are a tight knit group of long time friends, some chill and some more serious players. Overall chill but we focus up when we need to. Active discord and a guild GDKP that lots of us go to.
Raid Times:
Tuesday with Wednesday/Thursday being progression days if needed 8-12 EST.
We will need Wednesday/Thursday for the first few weeks of ICC to clear 10man Heroic+25man progression.
Loot council is comprised of officers and your fellow raiders. Loot is determined by performance and overall upgrades to the raid to progress.
We are currently recruiting a PERAMENT OFFTANK and have OPEN DPS spots. If you are interested please contact us via discord for an immediate trial!
Any exceptional player of any role will be considered!
Immediate needs:
Paladin Tank,
Blood DK Tank,
Feral DPS,
Feral Tank,