(H) Wyrmwrest Accord - Returning Noob/Casual Filth

Well hello!
I am returning to WoW after a long time of being one of the non-talking, hermitized, solo-filth! I started playing on and off when WoW went to Care Bear country… :stuck_out_tongue: I have played every xpac for a bit, soloing what I could and trying to not get kicked while staying quiet in dungeons…
I want to get back into the casual grind of the game, and find a friendly guild to teach me the ropes of how to not suck! Mostly play destro lock and DK, let me know if you could find a spot under that boot of yours for this one.
Normally I have a few hours around 7-11est time, some nights, most nights, the ones that end in day, it all depends on how much the wife nags me to stop playing.

If you like what you see… hit me up.
Bnet: Cykowarden #1718
Discord: Cykowarden

Good morning. I belong to a wonderful guild called Synchronicity on Wyrmrest Accord. If you’d be interested in joining a group of older players (mostly mid-30s and up), we are friendly, helpful, and active. Here is a link to the thread with our GM. If you’d like to chat, my Discord is sybilmeows. Thanks!