[H] WW Monk & Guardian Druid LF 2 day a week guild

Both of us are 3/10M currently and looking for a new home after swapping toons. Prefer a guild that raids 2 nights a week on a weekday. An active M+ community is also preferred. Please feel free to message me for more info.


Hello there…wasnt for sure if yiu was gearing new toons. Looki g to add a few more to our roster and mythic pls community…lets chat!

So we are somewhat, both of us are around 200ish ilvl with rank 3 legendary, should be rank 4 this week. Basically we joined a CE guild and they over recruited and are not really progressing so we took the opportunity to re-roll they have like 38 people for their mythic progress so needless to say, the fairly new guys never really get in, regardless of performance. Neither of us have a strong desire to push super hard into Mythic so we’re basically just trying to find a group of people that are focused on getting better without turning raiding into a job. Realistically what type of gear level are you looking for, and how would a melee and a tank fit into your roster?

Howdy, I’m an officer from Deep Smash, we are 10/10H and are currently recruiting to build up our Mythic roster. HMU if you are interested. We raid on tuesdays and thursdays from 8pm to 11pm eastern time.