(No longer applicable)

Sally sells seashells down by the seashore.


<3 amazing


If one joins, does one get to play and interact with the great Throggy?

Most definitely. Intimately and on the nightly! :rofl:

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I like the sound of that. Throggy makes me froggy.

You are welcomed to the Legion Metal. I would have some jobs for you to do.


Your fanboyship extends beyond faction. :rofl:

You are correct. Throggy is a fanboy of Mr. Mayhem.

That was good… that was good. :sweat_smile:

Thought I’d post this here too.

These Horde bastards love to scrap so if wpvp is your thing this crew delivers. See you on the battlefield Horde filth.

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hehehe :smiley: I always enjoy fighting you guys


i think this is probably the biggest n possibly most active Wpvp guild. horde side anyway

Your not just another member with us, your family. We look out for one another. In days like this where the state of the game is questionable (not going to get into that) I find myself logging on just to spend time with my fellow guildies. We’re always doing something, from Wpvp to RP in orgrimmar with the bros. WBL isn’t just a guild, it’s a community.

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Oy! :heartpulse: