• Warbound Legion is Recruiting
Greetings and salutations, my brethren and sistren! I’m here to spread the good word of Warbound Legion. We are the largest Horde (W)PvP guild on Emerald Dream as well among the most active. I’m here today to inform you all that we are recruiting level 120 PvP’ers - class and specialization regardless. If that sounds like you, you’re welcome here.
• About Us
Created on June 2nd, 2017, Warbound Legion was born of players who refused to forget their colors and loyalty by becoming Alliance (the mission of their (now former) guild master and his followers). This movement left the Horde in shambles and still haunts it to this day.
Despite this heavy blow, prior members of [un-named guild] took it upon themselves to act in the best interest of the Horde, and themselves. The creation of Warbound Legion was their answer - an answer we still take very seriously. We knew we’d have to fight back, and so we did and do.
• Our Activities
Warbound Legion specializes in (world) player-versus-player content. As such, we thus partake in the following (priority in order first to last listed):
- Nightly World Player-Versus-Player;
- Rated Battlegrounds;
- Rated Arenas;
- Random Battlegrounds;
- Skirmishes;
- New game activities (i.e Expeditions, Warfronts, etc.) play a role somewhere in the mix, although have no official priority as of now.
• Our Social Code
Lastly, here at Warbound Legion, we try to create for our members a non-controversial and lax atmosphere. And so this means we have a few simple and commonsensical rules. These are as follows:
• There is to be no discussion of politics nor religion in our guild chat. Said rule also applies to our Discord’s general channels. If you wish to discuss such topics, simply take the conversation to private in-game chat. If occurring in Discord, take it to a channel in which no one not wanting to converse of such topics is. In other words, an empty channel.
• Warbound Legion does not tolerate hate. We promote and encourage acceptance. There will be no tolerance, however, of intolerant, hateful bigotry. This means we will never condone racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, nor any other unlisted, irrational condemnation. Should any of what’s mentioned apply to you, best to keep that to yourself. Love your fellow man and woman, or at the least be civil and non-judging while you’re here.
• We play by the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as one’s self would wish to be treated. And so:
- One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself;
- One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated;
- What you wish upon others, you wish upon yourself.
Now that you know who we are and what we’re about, we highly encourage you to join our ranks. We hope also that you share the same motivation to destroy the Alliance. With all done and said, if you are interested and have any questions or would like to be invited, please, contact one of our officers+ in-game.
“Everybody always wanna take from us. Now we gonna start takin’ back. Anybody who get in our way. . . gonna drown in their own blood!”
- Zul'jin (may he rest in peace)
For the Horde!