[H] <wotop> | Hardcore | PvE & PvP | Recruitment

On a scale of 1-10, how old is too old to join?

WOTOP!!! Weā€™re a bunch of cool guys looking for other cool guys who wanna hang out in our guild!

Dudes in good gear encouraged, if youā€™re weak you should be able to find humor in the little things.

Since joining wotop my life has improved 10x! Being a warrior in wotop is the greatest. You too should be a warrior hereā€¦

if you accept lowbies who used to raid vanilla I will join :slight_smile:

Hi Boltthrower!
Please contact Stinkymoo or any other officer in-game :slight_smile:

We still stand for justiceā€¦ promiseā€¦

TL;DR: If you are competitive or want to be, you should talk to us and find out if we might be a fit for you.

wotop is rather unique in its approach to the game among previous competitive guilds Iā€™ve played with, where normally thereā€™s one of two basic ways itā€™s going to go: the guild is run like a corporation and exacting standards of performance and decorum are expected at all times, or anything goes as long as youā€™re good, no matter how little you play outside of raid or how toxic you are. I actually avoided wotop when I first hit 60 because I thought they were one of those two types of hardcore guilds based on the wording of the recruitment post at the time, and I was not interested in being a super sweaty tryhard every week for Molten Core, a raid Iā€™ve probably done a hundred times. I really wish I would have reached out to talk to someone about the guild then, because then I would have learned how different they really are.

wotopā€™s raiders are all sweaty, but itā€™s ultimately rooted in respect for everyoneā€™s time. We run split raids, so weā€™re intentionally bringing less players than we should into a raid, and that requires everyone to show up prepared and ready to raid on hard mode. As a result, this may mean our parses may not be fantastic, but it also means we only need to flask as long as it takes to get the content on farm with 24 players per group. It also means we donā€™t have an ā€œAā€ team and a ā€œBā€ team where one roster is stacked; players can shift between groups week over week just based on whoā€™s up for what loot. It also means we donā€™t have to tell members that they didnā€™t make the roster, because weā€™re intentionally bringing less than 40 raiders per group, so members are welcome (and encouraged!) to fill out the groups, help with the clear speed, and pick up loot. If we regularly had more than 80 players interested in going, we could always open up a third split and run 27/27/27. It also means we get ~50% more loot, although apparently that doesnā€™t include TF bindings. No matter how much someone might say theyā€™re not motivated by loot, it sure is easier to head off any drama at the pass when thereā€™s simply more stuff to hand out.

wotop is really committed to encouraging a sense of community among its players. New members who trial for a raider tag are told that their trial is 50% raid performance and 50% social, and they mean it. wotop is quick to invite, but also quick to encourage folks to move on if itā€™s just not a culture fit, and itā€™s good to discover that early on rather than run into drama in the future. I almost failed the social part of my trial by assuming the guild was toxic sweaty hardcore and that I needed to prove I had the credentials, and I was just an obnoxious jerk about it. This is not that ā€œsecondā€ type of guild at all, be excellent to each other and party on.

All those factors create a culture that facilitates extremely active and engaged members. If you want to sweat with us, we encourage you to join and trial to be a woticorn, it is rewarding. If you like the idea of raiding at a high level with a locked in group of players but may not have the time to dedicate to serious raid requirements, join as a wotlet and chill out, go as hard as you want to. If you want to engage in meaningful world PvP over control of territory and world bosses, we want to talk to you, too. I donā€™t consider myself a serious PvPer because I donā€™t have engineering and Iā€™m not a ranker, but if war is declared, itā€™s ride or die time and Iā€™m going to hold that W key and represent our colors on the battlefield. Your friends are welcome too, even if they donā€™t raid or PvP, we still need more volunteers to sing on guild karaoke night.

This culture is so unique to me that, like Riesling, the only reason I would see myself leaving wotop is because Iā€™m done playing classic.

Would you like to know more?

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WoW is for nerds

Its Time to join today! Home to the best healers on the Server! Come learn from The number 1 Shaman in Grobb.

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And Spirithoof is here too.

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A few weeks ago people starting telling me ā€œNothingness, you look taller, more handsome - your bones are less pale - even your spiky hear isā€¦ spikier!ā€ Everyone wanted to know my secret but I refused to tell.

Today I share it with you all - a few weeks ago I joined wotop. Since then Iā€™ve added 90 lbs to my bench press, 30 inches to my vertical leap, learned to play the violin and mastered the French language.

wotop is recruiting and if you are interested in similar personal growth reach out to one of the officers today! Plus - we were recently endorsed by Jesus Christ himself (see Cameo)!

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Iā€™ve been in the guild since day one as a raider. If thereā€™s one thing I can say, itā€™s probably the most fair loot distribution Iā€™ve dealt with any guild in any expansion. Regardless of personal connections, the loot goes first to those who are doing the most for the guild ā€” firstly with raiding, but also through being a community participant. I havenā€™t run into a single instance where a leader role gives gear to their friends before other guild members, especially since I personally know one of the raid leaders through work. And if farming materials or making gold isnā€™t your speed, thereā€™s a ā€œraider liteā€ rank that has lesser requirements for ā€œraid ready consumablesā€ at the cost of first dibs on loot.

Overall, thereā€™s a little something for everyone in the guild, even if that means you want to role play. Thereā€™s even small communities for other games outside the Blizzard ecosystem. Multiple times there have been guild events for things like Jackbox TV and shooters like PUBG. And if there isnā€™t a community for something youā€™re interested in, you can talk to the Discord admins to start up a new one (granted thereā€™s enough interest).

Reach out to someone in wotop if youā€™re interested. Theyā€™ll get you in touch with the right people to start the application process.

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I joined wotop two months ago and itā€™s already put a plate on my deadlift! Thanks, wotop!

wotop good

Been a member of wotop since October 2019. Hands down the best guild Iā€™ve been apart of; I donā€™t see a scenario where Iā€™d leave.

Finally found my home. I love these peeps. Hard-workinā€™, fun-lovinā€™, badass group of gamers.

I had the absolute fortune of stumbling across this guild in December. Joining was the best move I could have made when it comes to enjoying my time playing video games. Itā€™s more than just a WoW Classic guild, this is a community of awesome nerds that care about one another like family. They offer something for everyone, which is so nice considering most people enjoy different and multiple aspects of the game (and quite often play games outside of classic).
You want to do progression raiding? check. World bosses? check. PvP? check. Pick flowers all day? check. Sit at the little pond in TB and RP? check. Have drunken karaoke nights? double check.

TL;DRā€¦ wotop is an amazing community, come spend 5 minutes in discord with us and youā€™ll understand too.

Home to Queen Stinkymoo.

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Before wotop, I wasnā€™t the most try hard player in the world. I raided in a non winterā€™s chill deep frost farming spec with no consumes or world buffs. At some point, I decided it was time for me to find a loot council guild that fit my schedule.

Talking to the officers about how the guild operates inspired me to drastically step my game up and run with the wolves. The mage class lead whipped me in to tip top shape with 1,000 pushups, 1,000 sit-ups and 50 mile runs without speed enchant to boots or water breaks while showing me random graphs and spreadsheets. Now my frost bolts apply 5 stacks of sunder armor and all warlock curses ESPECIALLY AGONY cause thatā€™s the only one that matters really.

The environment is amazing, the people are amazing, and Iā€™ve definitely learned a lot since joining. Itā€™s a side to the game/community that I didnā€™t realize I was missing out on and Iā€™m glad I chose wotop.
Wotop is more than good, itā€™s great!.. jk wotop bad

Cant go boat climbing unless you start water jogging first.