[H] Wipes on Trash (11/12) Mythic

Guild/Server: Mal’Ganis US Horde

Raid Days/Times: Wednesday/Monday 8:30-11:30 EST

Progress: 11/12M - Past Psychus 2 on Nzoth

Contact: Slicê - CJ2K#1755 (btag), CJ#8450 (discord)

About Us:

Two days a week we get together and attack the most current content with the intent of being a cutting edge guild every tier. We optimize our 6 hours of raiding weekly to ensure we get the most out of our raiders time.

In addition to raiding we have Mythic+ groups going to help build up characters and camaraderie. For our raiders we provide flasks, pots, and daily repair allowance.

Raider Standards:
-Attend 95% of raids
-Be prepared with knowledge of your specific class and role in a given fight
-Keep your character up to date outside of raid by improving your cloak, corruptions, etc.

Current Needs:
One strong ranged DPS (Warlock, Mage, Hunter, Boomkin)

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